umm.. just a wild goose chase from me here..
When the Target E has been shot (destroyed, killed) it's
not alive. Thus I would assume if you'd
- name your Target E
- create a radio trigger, activated by alpha
- set condition to this
- set on activation to Targetname setdammage 0
It just might work..
..very slim.. almost nothing..
hmm.. Ok that propably won't work because it can't run the animation backwards.. (you should try it anyhow)
could always delete the old TargetE and create a new one on it's place.. that would go something like
- name the target
---the radio trigger blah blah
- on activation to target1= "TargetE" camcreate getpos targetname; deletevehicle targetname
Not sure if that'll work either or if the syntax is right, but try it out and then we'll be a bit wiser