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Author Topic: SARUGAO- a holiday-island  (Read 7206 times)

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Offline Hawkins

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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #30 on: 12 Sep 2002, 08:38:34 »
I'll get it as soon as I get home. :o Can't wait to play around with it. :P ;D Cheers!!



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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #31 on: 12 Sep 2002, 20:33:26 »
New Downloadmirror available
You can now get Sarugao at:




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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #32 on: 13 Sep 2002, 04:33:00 »
I have a 500mhz, an this island runs great.
This is by far one of the best islands I've seen yet.
You get extra points for making it 1.46 compatible. ;D
Great island.


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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #33 on: 13 Sep 2002, 09:23:35 »
Great work SchuscH,

I checked this out today also and I have to agree this is top notch work... you've inspired me to get back to work on my islands ;D they've kinda went to the side with all my other projects also

Offline Nixer6

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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #34 on: 13 Sep 2002, 10:55:52 »
I haven't tried your Island yet, I'm sure it's coollll ;D

Can't wait to drive that other guy's Lincoln around on it.  8)

It's a "holiday Island", have you figured out why all the girls in OFP have "bowed" legs? :wow:


Have you ever noticed that the fat chicks get skinnier per beer? If not, you've never drank  ALOT of beer

Enjoy your Holiday and Ignore me, I'm just looking for an Ashau Valley map to kill commies ;)
« Last Edit: 13 Sep 2002, 11:13:29 by Nixer6 »
Why do I have to be a Rocket Scientist to make a good mission?


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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #35 on: 13 Sep 2002, 17:23:47 »
Beer and bowlegged girls??  WHERE??   :o   ::)  LOL!!!      :P

Anyways..  Some EXCELLENT work there SchuscH!!  I was quite amazed by the texuring job!!  WOW!!   :o   :o

Keep up the Great work!   ;D



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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #36 on: 14 Sep 2002, 20:03:55 »
Awesome textures, neat features like canyons, fords, and roads cut through forests.

I had a blast just cruising around in Mechanic's '69 Mustang - the scenery is great.

One of the best islands ever made!


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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #37 on: 14 Sep 2002, 21:43:47 »
Thx to everybody who likes the island... ;)


So thats your idea of a good soldier??? Just drinking beer and looking for girls?   ;D ;D

By the way: There is an addon available that adds some very very nice ladies to Ofp. Perhaps someone can come up with a sweet "holiday-mission". ;)


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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #38 on: 23 Oct 2002, 21:54:04 »
nice work..... cant say much more, gotta go play some more


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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #39 on: 27 Oct 2002, 02:07:08 »
I like the Island alot, one question.

Are you making one that is for 1.75? Using the new buildings and bridge? That would be awesome, and it would really make your island the best one out there.

Offline pcverden

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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #40 on: 03 Nov 2002, 20:59:43 »
This is the best island I have actually ever played. I came across it here the other day and haven't left the mission editor nor this island yet.

Heck I would go as far as saying that this island should be on the next offical addon pack if there is one. I love the way the whole thing is set up.  

Offline jojimbo

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Re:SARUGAO- a holiday-island
« Reply #41 on: 11 Nov 2002, 05:59:26 »
yes,this is my favorite island :),i just like to take a drive down to the forest near the coast,then a helicopter to the second island and enjoy the scenery,Elecante journey i call it.
cant wait for more of your work schusch