The past weeks I've been working on improving toadlifes original Group Link script for our own needs. Just finalized the readme.txt to it and put it up if someone wants it?
Group Link II is an heavily modified version of toadlifes script and is tweaked particular to be used in co-op multiplayer missions.
Below is a list of some of the things added:
- Verified to work in multiplayer.
- Enemy infantry will unmount their vehicles ~200 m prior to the last known location. They will proceed the last bit by foot.
- If enemy infantry is in a helicopter they may paradrop over the target area else the helicopter will try to land and they will be unloaded.
- Enemy AI may call in artillery support at your location if they spot you, but will only do so if no other enemy AI groups are in the target area.
- If the support group don't find you and the alert is canceled they will relocate and get back into their vehicles (if any) and resume to their original waypoints (if any).
- At daytime if enemy vehicles is engaged (or spot you) en route to the conflict point enemy AI may pop smoke while all infantry soldiers rapidly unmounts the vehicles.
- If it's dark enemy AI will most likely use flares at the conflict point to aid their search for you.
- The script randomly sets formation, speed, behavior and combat modes for each support group individually when they are called for.
See readme.txt and example mission for more details... out it was quite easy so it's now also added to the OFPEC archive.
/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)