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Author Topic: Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???  (Read 16632 times)

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Offline Hawkins

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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #90 on: 29 Oct 2002, 08:46:51 »
The Russian camo isn't the one they use now I think. UCE made some new russian soldiers with the right pattern.



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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #91 on: 30 Oct 2002, 06:50:40 »
Yeah, now we mostly use tiger camo.......


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #92 on: 31 Oct 2002, 06:34:01 »

GOOD NEWS : after reading some emails and a couple of threads I decided that there was too much duplication going on. I will be sending the addons to BAS, and it is up to them how they want to use/release them. The reasons are numerous (I don't have RES..can't find it anywhere here...and time is pretty tight with work and all...also I haven't been able to contact STEELE ???).

BAD NEWS : Don't know when they will be released...

GOOD NEWS : One good addon is better than a dozen sub-standard or competing ones.

GOOD NEWS : With the US special forces out of the way I can concentrate on updating the British forces with O2 models...new paras, RMs and RAFreg as well as SAS...i'll start a new thread about this...

I apologise for getting peoples hopes up and then not releasing the addons. That is not my style, but a poor ability to write cpp's and time constraints have forced this situation.


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #93 on: 31 Oct 2002, 07:57:38 »
I must admit mate, my hat goes off to you for many reasons:
a) you know your limits
b) you know that quality over "getting it out there" is more important
c) your work is impressive
d) you're thinking for the community vs for your own interests

Hats off to you mate, hats off...

Ferret Fangs

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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #94 on: 31 Oct 2002, 08:28:27 »
Well, I'm happy... mostly.
I mean, this is what I was hoping would happen, the sort of cooperation that produces fewer but higher quality addons.
But it's a shame that you feel kind of beaten up about it, Bibmi.
It seems as though it's a win-win, for you and us end-users... Bravo Zulu Bibmi!


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #95 on: 31 Oct 2002, 11:40:44 »
Well think about it this way we no longer get another authors US Special Forces and now we get the first 02 moddelled British Units. This will be great know america deoesn't need to take all the glory on the battlefield.  ;) ;D ;D ;D


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #96 on: 01 Nov 2002, 00:27:09 »
Bibmi, good move!  Consolidation of quality addons makes singular 110% quality addons rather than fragmented 95% quality addons.

From what I saw in the thread where BAS people discussed the major Special Forces addons, they were thinking of releasing packs of a chopper or two with a specific special operations team that would usually use that helicopter.  I do not think any of that is set in stone, however, so who knows how these addons will come out.  In any case, they will definitely come out well.


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #97 on: 09 Nov 2002, 20:24:24 »
reinforcements has arrived               ;D


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #98 on: 12 Nov 2002, 11:31:54 »
Any updates?


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #99 on: 21 Nov 2002, 06:00:31 »
Any word from BAS on what is being done with the addon?  I hope it is not just sitting on someone's hard drive.  :-\


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #100 on: 21 Nov 2002, 06:07:46 »
i believe skaven and frandsen are working hard at merging the delta and rangers at the minute


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #101 on: 22 Nov 2002, 02:35:10 »
Frandsen and Skaven are working on the SEALs right now, and I know Frandsen has some Delta Boys in the works that look good, but that's a little way off I think.


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #102 on: 22 Nov 2002, 03:08:56 »
frandsen and skaven are working on about 7-10 different types of soldiers at the minute...


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #103 on: 22 Nov 2002, 03:34:04 »
Well, that is great to hear!

But, umm.... well.... a picture is worth a thousand words.  ;D


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Re:Bibmi's Modernised West Soldiers???
« Reply #104 on: 22 Nov 2002, 05:33:49 »
Send Frandsen a PM he'll post something... eventualy he did it for me!  :D