Hi. I'm trying to make a script for deleting dead guys. im, using this code.
_Global = _this select 0
_i = 0
_c = count _Global
player globalchat format ["%1",_global]
;deletevehicle (_Global select _i)
?!alive(_Global select _i):deletevehicle (_Global select _i)
player globalchat format ["%1",_i]
?_c > _i:goto "main"
RecalcularLista = true
_Global is the array of units i want to check and when script finishes, a trigger recalculate the array.
Now the problem is that when the guy is dead, the engine deletes him from the array and of course it ll never be deleted since he is not in _global. It also detes him from the group, so i cant use group too. I just cant find where the ofp stores the deads.
So, can this be solved?
As usual, thanx in advanced.
PS: I'm making this for an MP mission, this is why i post under this topic.