Hello Hunted
Try the following:-
1) Try the knowsabout command. eg Stick a player unit and a tank called
enemytank1 on a map. Place a trigger with condition
player knowsabout enemytank1 > 1.0 and on activation
hint "recon successful"; "1" objstatus "done". When the play has had a good look at the tank the trigger should go off.
This command is great for recon, you should be able to tailor it to almost anything you want.
2) Set the soldier captive (named bob) at the start of the mission using
bob setcaptive true in his init field. Set up a trigger that allows you to rescue the soldier (eg player distance bob < 10) and use this trigger to
bob setcaptive false. Once the trigger has been tripped bob will become fair game for all the opposing force.
3) Place a trigger over the table/map, and sync it with the player. Make the condition whatever you want to happen when the player read the map. Hay-presto - when the player breaches the trigger your response will happen.
If you want any more detail please feel free to contact me by IM.