Hm.. I'll try to help you as best as i can, but before we begin, make sure that the sound files is in MONO and .ogg format. This is VERY important. Then create a text file and name it description. (this file goes in your ofp\users\yourname\missionname
In this file put this :
class CfgSounds
sounds[] =
class yoursound
name = "Here is the name that will appear in the voice list. (used in Wps and triggers";
sound[] = {"\sounds\NameOfYourSoundfile.ogg", 1, 1.0};
titles[] = { };
Create a folder in your mission folder and name it Sound. Put your sound file there. Now you can play your sound in ofp using this command:
Unitname say "nameofsound"
Just ask for more info if you need, but check out the first topics in this thred...