The hummer should have an animated driver door.
Not ( ! ) with a useraction (it stinks to constantly hit the wrong action during heavy combat)
but as a "hidden selection", sort of. So that we can use the door in cutscenes.
After all (like the goggles), it is only glamour, and it shouldn't decreace the gameplay.
Animated sections are great but ONLY as hidden anims - they suck as useractions!
Trust me - I've talked to many, many ppl about this & they all agree!
It should be pretty simple. I must confess that I've done it for private use with the delta's.
Have a peep at this example:
class UserActions
class Lowervisor
condition="MyCondition AND this animationPhase ""goggles"" < 0.5";
statement="this animate [""goggles"", 1]";
class Raisevisor
(same stuff)
So, all ya need to do it to add the condition ("MyCondition=true/false") to the players INIT field or alike.
Then the animated part is all free again!
Simple and convenient when you think about the many diff. kinds of missions we all make.
If the hummer came with that kind of optional animations, it would be really neat .
now that we talk tweaked addons, I would like to thank BAS for releasing "open source" addons!!!
It send out a message of SHARE & CARE rather than F**K OFF, JUST MAKE ME FAMOUS, which is beautiful.
The "open source" concept boosts the chance of better knowledge, and as such, better addons for everobody.
hail to bas. :thumbsup: