Not being funny but I am english...
but then you ARE funny!
;D ( j/k
ok. you want the group to patrol an area.
Now, whether they start patrolling right away or via some trigger doesn't matter (right here);
all we wanna know for now is how to get the morons to frikkin' CYCLE, right?!
right then. Question:
Could it be that anything (an object, bush, building) is in the way so that the group cannot
complete the route and thus don't reach the cycle WP
if so, move the route!
If you put the center of the CYCLE waypoint directly upon the grpLeader, he will cycle
and with him his group of morons
oh, and to get them to hold till yer trigger fires, do this (init field of grp leader) :
morons = units group this; "_x stop true" foreach Morons
This will make them hold right from start of mission! Then your trigger could go :
"_x stop false" foreach morons
Another way is the "lockWP" spell (also t/f )