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Author Topic: Help with Reaper's Arty script....?  (Read 609 times)

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Help with Reaper's Arty script....?
« on: 20 Jan 2003, 23:36:44 »
It works, but I need to modify it some for my mission, and Im not sure how.

Im using the SEB Nam addons, and I have 4 groups, each with a radio soldier. I want every human player in MP to be able to request artillery if that group's radio sodier is alive. If the radioman is killed, then no one in his group can fire artillery until someone in that group picks up the radio and becomes the new radioman.

I'm guessing I need to make a trigger for each group detecting if the radio man is alive. How would I do that?

How can I modify the script to use 4 "arty_units" instead of the original 1?

Here's the scripts: http://www.ofpec.com/editors/snippet_view.php?id=36