Here is a simple script that you can use: All you have to do is put the following in the ini field:
[name of object being followed] exec "followcam.sqs";
_object = _this select 0
_timer = _timer + 1
_camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]
_camera cameraeffect ["internal","back"]
_camera camsetTarget _object
_camera camsetrelpos [x,y,z]
_camera camCommit 0
?(_timer == 600): goto "spass"
goto "camloop"
_camera cameraeffect ["terminate","back"]
camdestroy _camera
Now I have set this up on a timer so that when _timer =600, then the camera shuts off and it goes back to normal first person view. This is about 6 seconds if I remember right. Anyways, you could set this up with triggers to end the script when the object moves over that trigger (i.e. when a solder walks over the trigger). Now if you look at the line where I put camsetrelpos, you'll notice this: [x,y,z]. Here is where you put the distance you want the camera from the object you want to view. In the X value, a postive number will put the camera to the left of the person while a negative puts it to the right. For the Y value, a positive will put the camera in front of the object, while negative puts it behind. And for the Z value, a positive for above the object and a negative for below the object. For putting in these values, you have to think of the object being in the center of a graph chart with x, y, and z planes. The origin is where your object is and the camera is set at whatever coordinates you tell it facing towards your object. If you have any further Q's, post them here of look up Snyper's cam scripting tutorial in the editors depot for furthur info. Hope this helps!
BUNTRO :beat: