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Author Topic: Just started making islands  (Read 1414 times)

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Just started making islands
« on: 12 Dec 2002, 02:33:44 »
We'll I've finally decided to learn how to make islands for the game.

Everythings going *okay* so far, but a major problem I'm often having is that in WRPEdit, my islands appear to be underwater whenever I try to view them w/the camera.

I'm sure this is probably something simple, but does anybody have an idea why this is happening?

I'm using Terrigen to create a landscape, I load it into Wilbur, and then I save it as a text file for WRPEdit.  In Wilbur, the map appears well above sea level, but the camera in WRPEdit doesn't reflect this at all.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re:Just started making islands
« Reply #1 on: 12 Dec 2002, 03:11:27 »
It is probebly because the camera is under the land.


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Re:Just started making islands
« Reply #2 on: 12 Dec 2002, 03:56:30 »
I think that might be it, but when I raise the camera, I do see the island better; however, it blinks and flickers violently.  Is this normal?


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Re:Just started making islands
« Reply #3 on: 12 Dec 2002, 04:46:23 »
None of the tutorials except one are working for me to download.

I have made tremendous progress in this first day of learning about making islands.  But I do have a question:

In the Pbo folder that I will stuff, there should be a .wrp file, a .paa file of the icon, a config.cpp with my island info, and a config.bin file.

What is the config.bin file for?  What is it?  A binarized version of the config.cpp?  Is it necessary?  The only tutorial I could download was the last one that shows me how to use StuffPbo.  In that example, there is no config.bin being stuffed.

Please help.
« Last Edit: 12 Dec 2002, 04:47:06 by M_S_Holder »


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Re:Just started making islands
« Reply #4 on: 12 Dec 2002, 05:07:18 »
the bin file is nessesary but I don't know why. Programming is a real weak point for me. It could have to do with it showing in the editor menu when you choose a map. There is a great prog for doing the config file, all you have to do is put in the file names and some values for your run ways and such and it writes it for you.


thats the link for the prog there are also tutorials there as well


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Re:Just started making islands
« Reply #5 on: 12 Dec 2002, 05:13:44 »
Go up to edit i think it is an hit select all. Then go to landscape hit default. then flags hit default. then the Env Snd and hit default. Then go to surfaces and give it a texture. Then try it it should work.


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Re:Just started making islands
« Reply #6 on: 12 Dec 2002, 21:45:25 »
Got it, the camera works fine now.  Still, does anyone know why the .bin file is in the folder?


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Re:Just started making islands
« Reply #7 on: 18 Dec 2002, 06:25:15 »
I don't think you really need the Bin file.

I had one, and in the process to get my intro to work, I deleted it. and haven't used it since . so far the island works .

so possibly it is not needed.

as a review I have a config.cpp
a PAA file  for the map icon when listed in OFP
and of-coarse  the WRP file .

No bin anymore. works in wrpedit and OFP (running 1.9 at the moment, maybe it is needed for older versions)

anyway hope helps.