I was hoping to see the town at GB75 restored.
Nevertheless, I've rebuilt an updated PBO and tested it out along with the anim cutscene. All's fine.
I'm willing to mirror a ZIPped version but I need an updated README. In the last full version I downloaded, there were 3 READMEs: README1st by OFP.Info, README2nd and readme042203 by the author. It would be great to have a single readme, with an updated summary of corrections, contact info and install instructions for this full version.
There are only two files: the island PBO and the anim MISSION.SQM file. The latter needs to be installed to OFP\AddOns, using the full path name saved in the ZIP file. The island PBO itself can go into either OFP\AddOns or into a -mod AddOns folder of the installer's choice.
CAT, can you put together this README and then I'll upload the mirror copy?
edit: little details I noticed (also in update 1):
Somewhere around FA40, there's a collapsed bridge running across a gorge. Of course, that might be intentional but it would be ever so usefull if it could be repaired.
Somewhere around EA41 there are large rocks on hillsides whose bottom broder is protruding above the sloped ground level. I would guess that there are more of these around. I'm just reporting what I've noticed.