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Author Topic: Windows not really transparent  (Read 2083 times)

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Windows not really transparent
« on: 29 Nov 2002, 13:15:08 »
Hi there,
I'd like someone to help me to solve the following problem:
I've made a building with windows, using a transparent glass texture. Now, the problem is that actually only static objects are visible when I look through it, I can't see soldiers, cars, choppers etc.
I've already tried to use canocclude=0 property of geometry LOD, window plane face properties are set to "transparent", I've created apropriate View Geometry LOD with empty space in place of windows, and nothing has helped.
Anybody knows the sollution, plese help.

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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #1 on: 01 Dec 2002, 13:31:44 »
I don't think you need to set the faces to transparent, the transparency should come from the alpha textures.

Have you used the convex tool in O2 on the view geo to make sure all objects are convex and named properly?



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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #2 on: 03 Dec 2002, 17:32:56 »
Yes, I did. It didn't help. I've also tried diffrent glass textures, and there's no diffrence.
Any other suggestions?
Explaining once again, they are transparent, but only STATIC objects are visible through, like tree, buildings, bushes, etc, but no soldiers, cars and so on.


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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #3 on: 08 Dec 2002, 20:39:21 »
Hi there,
I'd like someone to help me to solve the following problem:
I've made a building with windows, using a transparent glass texture. Now, the problem is that actually only static objects are visible when I look through it, I can't see soldiers, cars, choppers etc.
I've already tried to use canocclude=0 property of geometry LOD, window plane face properties are set to "transparent", I've created apropriate View Geometry LOD with empty space in place of windows, and nothing has helped.
Anybody knows the sollution, plese help.

Is the problem apparent only ingame, or in Bulldozer too?


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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #4 on: 09 Dec 2002, 15:16:00 »
Ingame only. I haven't tried to place any other objects in Buldozer (I mean placing by proxy), but I think that's not the problem, because all faces that belong to the same object/model, are perfectly visible through "glass".


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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #5 on: 10 Dec 2002, 19:01:17 »
Well, you certanly shouldnt mess with any Transparancy-feature for the glass structures faces. Just make the glass structure as usual and apply a transparent texture to it. No magic.

This is very strange. Do you have similar problems on other addons? Try making just static glassbox (use mine from my first tutorial) and see if the problem is still there.

If its not, then there is something wrong with your house lods.



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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #6 on: 11 Dec 2002, 16:46:51 »
I've recently made a test: I put a Blackhawk and a jeep on the ground in front of a standard OFP aircraft hangar on Everon and what I could see through a window was only jeep. Somebody please make the same test, because I suspect the problem may be specific to my machine since nobody has ever noticed this on forums.
I've tried all this "face properties magic", I tried default settings, beacuse I'd experienced the problem before aplying it.


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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #7 on: 11 Dec 2002, 16:50:19 »
One more thing:
when I cut all this glass faces out of the whole model, and make it a separate object it's absolutely transparent. But it's enough to add 2 or 3 more primitives to the model, and THE EFFECT happens again...
I'll relase my updated Buildings Pack next week so that everybody could see the problem.


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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #8 on: 12 Dec 2002, 13:52:53 »
Just a thought but do you have Hardware T&L turned on in your Graphics options? If so try turning it off. Not sure if it would affect it but worth a try.  :-\


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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #9 on: 16 Dec 2002, 02:48:05 »
Well, I ran your test and here's what happens for me...

I put a blackhawk and jeep next to the "House Aircraft Hanger" and I couldn't see either one through the glass on the side door!   :o  

Then I put "tree15" and I could see it!   ::)



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Re:Windows not really transparent
« Reply #10 on: 16 Dec 2002, 16:56:11 »
I've checked the suggestion about hardware T&L and it's right. When I turn it off, I can see a jeep, but a chopper - no.
It's realy strange. I think I'll give it up.