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Author Topic: One man and his dog  (Read 5855 times)

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Offline KevBaz

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One man and his dog
« on: 25 Nov 2002, 01:16:08 »
Ok the following is 100% downloaded model and textures i am not taking credit for making them as i didnt, all i have done is to get the dog into ofp

its paws look cut off but i think its due to being on a slight slope anyway get it here


just noticed the zips spelling error lmao ohwell


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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #1 on: 25 Nov 2002, 01:19:10 »
Hey looks nice is the dog a object or can it move?

Offline KevBaz

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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #2 on: 25 Nov 2002, 01:20:53 »
oopse should have said its STATIC ONLY dont believe i forgot that


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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #3 on: 25 Nov 2002, 01:25:19 »
Is it impossible to make it walk run ???

Offline KevBaz

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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #4 on: 25 Nov 2002, 01:26:46 »
at the mo yes, untill somone starts on new anims, which i dont think will be for a good while yet, itll still add summit to a cutscene or at a checkpoint thingy


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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #5 on: 25 Nov 2002, 01:30:18 »
Hope someone with maya make new animations for the dog it looks so cool to have a dog in the game ;)


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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #6 on: 25 Nov 2002, 01:31:34 »
TeaCup has maya tool maybe he make animation for the dog ::)


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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #7 on: 28 Nov 2002, 09:19:10 »
I have a Dog!  :D


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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #8 on: 28 Jan 2003, 14:04:02 »

if u can make dogs... you can make horses... you need horses before dogs!!! mounted cavalry ARGGGGGGG
gimme a horseeeeeeee


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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #9 on: 07 Apr 2003, 05:11:05 »
nice pooch, I love dogs!  :D


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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #10 on: 28 Jun 2003, 13:41:02 »
I was wondering: is anyone working on animal addons, and if so, would they mind showing some work in progress? Cause i took the addon put together by KevBaz, and reworked it a little. I partially remodelled it, improved the texture mapping, made some selections and some animations + a rather large config.
I know of at least one person (LCD), who said he was working on the very same thing.
I'm not posessive about this addon, and since i'm working on a dog contributed by KevBaz, i was thinking we could all join forces, and make this the unofficial OFPEC forums doberman. Really wanna see this dog done (or any other animal for that matter), and my progress is rather slow (i don't have too much time on my hands)
So, if there's anyone interested..  holler.


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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #11 on: 13 Oct 2003, 10:37:03 »
Time to show some work in prgress..
www.spunge.org/~ntib/TCP_TestDog.zip (184 Kb)

It has a minimal set of animations: stand, trot, gallop, bark, bark x 3, die.
None of the animations is final, and some of them (e.g. trot) are really just blocked out. Barking animations suck..

Anyway, please take it for a spin, tell me what you think..
Also, if you would like to see this addon completed faster, you could help make it. I have a full time and a part time job, plus some other stuff on my head, so i really have very little time for OFP (i regularly neglect my "serious" work to tinker with OFP ;) ).

- the dog cannot strafe, nor walk backwards.
- slopes are a problem
- to make him bark, try: [name of the dog] playMove "EffectStandTalk" or "Bark3x"
- to view death animation, just kill him
- .p3d and config are a bit of a mess, don't mind that

that's about it..

Offline Colonel_Klink

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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #12 on: 13 Oct 2003, 10:51:12 »
Teacup.. What a genius. That is so cool. What kind of help do you require. IM me. Please
Rebel without a pause...D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.

Offline KevBaz

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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #13 on: 13 Oct 2003, 13:13:38 »
heh nice work m8 :D

Offline Gogs

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Re:One man and his dog
« Reply #14 on: 13 Oct 2003, 16:43:51 »
WOW! That would be so cool if it worked!