I understand what you are saying...
It seems that the variable is set to true when you are aware of the unit, then set to false when you don't know about it... I just tested it on Resistance and I think that the .exe mut use some derivant of the command "knowsabout"...
Ha anyone else tested it to make sure that I am not making a blunder
I ued it both on AI and the player...
_player = player
_enemy = enemy
?_enemy knowsabout _player:goto "text"
titletext ["Enemy doesn't know about you.","PLAIN",1]
goto "start"
titletext ["Enemy knows about you!","PLAIN",1]
goto "start"
I popped my head over a hill so the enemy saw me, and then ran away, let the script loop for a while and it stopped saying "Enemy know blaa blaa"