I think there is a little misunderstanding between you experts and me newbie.
I (Server), a West machine gunner, can see "Player 2 killed a dummy", but I (Client) a West soldier, can't see it.
I know all the things about sideChat, groupChat, globalChat etc.
But I can say that I know realize the truth, yes, what a dumb I was. I can just put the killed ev on all machines, and let the message show. Yes, there is no need to transmit.
About script localitySorry, I am a bit weak in English, I should've asked (I was suddenly confused script execution with locality) :
3. "On which computer will the script be executed?"
4. "Is it on killed? or the killer?"
Stupid MissionI've attached the mission with the script which I've written in hope of achieving what I want.
The mission was done quite a couple of months ago. And I can't test it at the moment, it's just the one that I found in my memory stick.
But i found that i used Killer and Killed global variables there.
I'm just uploading it so that I might get some valuable advise from you experts.
Thanks for your replies. I hope to see your expert advises soon.