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Author Topic: Easier way to place roads ?  (Read 3348 times)

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Easier way to place roads ?
« on: 12 Nov 2002, 03:22:45 »
Is there an eaiser way to place roads coz ive seen user made maps with excellent roads and loads of it, but my road takes ages to do a tiny bit and isnt very well lined up and all over the shop  :-[

         Thanx Fac.....


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #1 on: 13 Nov 2002, 11:45:59 »
Just take your calculator and take x or y value (depens in what direction u are making the road and add 25 to last value that is example asfalta 25 :D u need to count only once different asfalta(this is how i make it, ill fit 2 parts of road then look the both of them x and y value and count whats the difference and there u have value to add or remove depens where u are making road.

Offline Gastovski

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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #2 on: 13 Nov 2002, 12:45:40 »
Still aint particularly easy though :-\

And placing roads at an angle is a pain in the proverbial... Supposed to be drag and drop in wrpedit v1...


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #3 on: 13 Nov 2002, 16:00:55 »
U dont have to put it in angle just make sure, there is cross in fit in the groud screen and its done ;)and when u have value u dont need nothing but + or - that and u can make road and fast

Offline Gastovski

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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #4 on: 15 Nov 2002, 15:36:08 »
I mean if you want a road going across the beach front at 35 degrees... Thets when its a pain...


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #5 on: 15 Nov 2002, 17:40:36 »
But u always fitted the road to the ground so i dont understand your problem? or are u going to put road to air in 35 degree?


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #6 on: 15 Nov 2002, 22:16:39 »
If you are looking at it from above it usually looks like this:


I think he means if it looks like this its hard:

 I would agree if thats what he means,


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #7 on: 16 Nov 2002, 07:22:55 »
just one tip like i said earlier if u connect 2 road objects in flat ground(u see both hole roads in that position and after like asfalta 25 is x or y value 25 more and they are connected to each other so then u can add in what ever angle road and just add that 25 and its connected eaven that u cant see the road propeply :D

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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #8 on: 16 Nov 2002, 14:30:54 »
sigh.........If only it was that easy.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #9 on: 16 Nov 2002, 18:46:56 »
Still aint particularly easy though :-\

And placing roads at an angle is a pain in the proverbial... Supposed to be drag and drop in wrpedit v1...

Any idea when WRP edit v1 is due out?


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #10 on: 16 Nov 2002, 22:24:06 »
I havent had any problem with roads after they invent calculator :D


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #11 on: 16 Nov 2002, 22:55:05 »
But it still takes forever to place roads. :( To double click, select the type of road, drag the road to its place, double click again, select the type of road again, drag the road to its place again, etc etc. I wish there would be something that would allow me to just drag and paint the roads.


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #12 on: 18 Nov 2002, 03:24:46 »
there should be asfalta 2000 lol :D



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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #13 on: 18 Nov 2002, 03:39:27 »
but then what happens when you want to make a turn on that road and that one goes past the turn. Your screwed then. They should make one that has a right angle for a turn though that would be good for urban areas. Well there is one but its crappy.


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Re:Easier way to place roads ?
« Reply #14 on: 19 Nov 2002, 01:43:44 »
there's a somewhat faster way:

select your road type. copy the name, place the road, next doubleclick, oneclick ctrl+V in the namefild and place. That spares a lot of time, especialy when you have loads of objects in your list.
Next thing, zoom in your map until your cursor is just as big a a mappixel, then place the road two pix over the last bit and they fit or overlap a minimum: with asphalt or sil you don't see the difference, with path it's a little trickyer because they're at 50% opacity.
Be careful, if you zoom in too close objects dissapear to the map border.
To see where you're going use the cam so you don't have to zoom out.
And yes, it takes a lot of time: I spent at least 50 hours (in realtime) only placing roads on my island!

good luck and remember: patience is a vertue
