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Offline granQ

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #330 on: 31 Mar 2003, 17:02:29 »
Just wanted to post some support for the UK team ;)

Impressed with the MRLS scripting. I think i should download the infantery and give it a try soon. SA80 looks cool (in real life got no memory of your one)
Cura Posterior


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #331 on: 31 Mar 2003, 17:53:33 »
Tried the XMAS tease royal marines last night and was pretty impressed.

The minimi is particularly nice  :D

The only slight disappointment was the SA80... though the models you've posted here look good.

I was wondering... will you be able to fix the ammo belt animation on the minimi so that it moves quicker. I seem to remember another addon tried this and had probs, suggested in fact that this was unfixable. Hope not.

The MLR sounds a lot of fun!

Does/will your challenger have 4 crew?

Decent SAS are well overdue... can't wait.

In short, bring it on  :D


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #332 on: 31 Mar 2003, 18:20:58 »

I notice your SAS have gasmasks, which is cool  8)

I wonder, is it possible yet to define gasmasks as inventory items that may be taken on and off? Like, say, the nam packs radios, but maybe using the binocular slot.

If this is the case, would it be possible to restrict vision when the mask is on and alter the model to show that it is on/off. Just curious!

Additionally... I remember STT did flashbangs with the original Delta Force that worked by inflicting a very small amount of damage that was detected by a script. Any plans to include something like this?

Knock out gas would obviously give the masks some practical use soooo... is this possible, too?

Offline Cplme

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #333 on: 01 Apr 2003, 00:22:59 »
@ Strange love I think it is possible to do what youhave said about the vision when wearing the gas mask.

About the knock out gas mite be possible of you change the CPP of the smoke grenade, or a motoar bullet somehow and make it so when you are in a certain area when a knock out grenade has been thrown that it kills you slowly. but this mite have to be done in a script.

Lets see what the UKF mod say about it. they have got tricks up their sleeves just like BAS

Offline Messiah

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #334 on: 01 Apr 2003, 00:32:52 »
yup, we sure do... well, all those suggestions will be looked into... but at the moment you must understand we are working towards getting the main models and textures etc done, before we move onto the sexy eye candy...

its all up to Bibmi mostly... he is modeling the soldiers, so if he comes online, he can probally give you a better answer  ;D
Proud Member of the Volunteer Commando Battalion


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #335 on: 01 Apr 2003, 11:56:14 »
Messiah got it spot on....with regards to the soldier models i'm busy getting the basic models and textures done...as you can imagine there is a lot to do...most of the basic betas are done...it's now a matter of cleaning up the models (incl. some bugs I've managed to introduce) and refining the textures....

This is what you can look forward to...

1. RMs
- dessie (dessie pants with dpm jackets)
- dpm
- artic
- dessie (contemporary - as in how the forces are equipped in Iraq)
- jungle

2. Paras
- dessie
- dessie (jump equipped)
- dpm
- dpm (jump equipped)
- jungle

these will more than likely be the first soldier units released...

other units that are getting there...

3. Infantry (incl. ghurkas)
4. RAF reg
5. SAS (this is a large addon with 6 smaller sections for a variety of enviroments and missions...each section has four seperate models)
6. SBS
7. Aircrew
8. Tank crew

and more....

THe focus at the moment is to get the RMs and Paras ready for release....


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #336 on: 01 Apr 2003, 12:29:10 »
Wow sounds good bimbi


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #337 on: 01 Apr 2003, 12:43:59 »
Just a suggestion mate! But you should give the Paras the para helmets... they cost about £200 but they're worth it... plus try to give em Smocks... the SAS smock is mint... esp my costume one... little things like that will set em apart... cuz we costomize and get "Guchi" kit whenever we can! Cheers mate...ta!

Tpr Dutton
2 RTR was 1 RRF


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #338 on: 02 Apr 2003, 20:09:57 »
Pardon me all,
I hate to be an absolute bore,
but I seem to be having a few few problems using the Royal Marine teaser add-on, you see I downloaded it into my Res Add-on folder (the same as always)
But They don't appear in the WEST UNIT bit,
Now I use RES v.1.75, Is this why they don't work?
Or is there something I've missed?
Do any of you good fellows use them in RES?
Any answers are much appreciated.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #339 on: 02 Apr 2003, 21:26:25 »
Should be under West -> BIB British Infantry

Make a folder named 'Addons' in the main OPF directory and put it in there instead and see if that works.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #340 on: 02 Apr 2003, 22:44:22 »
Pardon me all,
I hate to be an absolute bore,
but I seem to be having a few few problems using the Royal Marine teaser add-on, you see I downloaded it into my Res Add-on folder (the same as always)
But They don't appear in the WEST UNIT bit,
Now I use RES v.1.75, Is this why they don't work?
Or is there something I've missed?
Do any of you good fellows use them in RES?
Any answers are much appreciated.

Download all the official BIS patches, so your game version is v1.91 (if thats the latest).  It should then work.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #341 on: 02 Apr 2003, 23:18:47 »
What do the patches above RES 1.75 add to the game?


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #342 on: 02 Apr 2003, 23:32:50 »
lots, a whole load of codeing ability, as well as general improvements to the game engine.

If you have purchased resistance, and have not downloaded the FREE patches, there is to be frank, something wrong with you...

Offline Messiah

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #343 on: 03 Apr 2003, 00:20:19 »
Proud Member of the Volunteer Commando Battalion


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #344 on: 03 Apr 2003, 14:11:43 »
Could you make the Tank crew with black coverals as I am an ex-mamber of 2RTR and would love to see this