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Author Topic: Project : UK Forces  (Read 54931 times)

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #315 on: 29 Mar 2003, 00:52:04 »
All the scripting for the MLRS has been done.

The simulation will be a complete ballistic simulation including some nifty launch and detonation effects.   Basically, you put the MLRS on a map, add an infantry, and then in game pick up an MLRS Controller.  This will connect you to the MLRS battery's fire control.

At that point, you will be given a set of MLRS related items in your action menu.  You request the mission, then switch to your map and single click where you would like the 'rounds' to go.  Then you say how many rounds you want.  This all gets queued up by the battery fire control, and your mission will take anywhere from 1 minute to a couple minutes to arrive.

All in all, it's a complete ballistic simulation... again, the rounds the rocket launcher fires are the rockets that actually arrive ON target.  That means if you are buzzing around inbetween the launcher and the target, there is a chance you will be hit by a rather large obstacle moving at twice the speed of sound.

Unlike most addons, we have no plans to make the MLRS 'highly interactive'.  That means that whlie you can drive it around, hopping in the gunner's position will NOT fire missiles (or more likely, result in dead fuzed rockets being launched that do bad things).  Fact is, the minimum engagement range for the MLRS is 5km while maximum is 33km.



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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #316 on: 29 Mar 2003, 02:22:54 »
I've downloaded Bib's Royal Marines and stuck em' in the same folder I put all my add-ons in but they are nowhere to be seen in-game,
I am using Resistance 1.46, So whats wrong?



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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #317 on: 29 Mar 2003, 02:27:08 »
I think they are meant to work on v 1.9 because they have their own folder.


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #318 on: 29 Mar 2003, 02:33:00 »
no, they unzipped clean into the add-on folder, I'll try stickin' em' in a folder,

Do yours work?
what version do you have?
Are they in a folder?


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #319 on: 29 Mar 2003, 19:48:51 »
is there a Res 1.46? I always thought that when u install res, u have OFP version 1.75.

Peter Eyres

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #320 on: 29 Mar 2003, 20:32:20 »
Are you going to do and AS90?

I downloaded a Palladin of the Desert Crisis and I was very impressed with the aiming and range, although the gun did seem a bit powerful. The aiming system included a custom aiming scale, with distance and you had to estimate.

Very good, even better if we had a AS90, which is a great piece of kit


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #321 on: 29 Mar 2003, 21:37:00 »
jostapo if you get the scripting working for the MLRS, could you do the same for a battery of AS90's perhaps?

Instead of clicking on the map, could you  have some sort of interface so that you can type in a 6 figure grid reference to make it more realistic?
I have some more information if you need it, regards a real fire mission ::)

Offline Jonno

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #322 on: 29 Mar 2003, 23:14:45 »
We will hopefully get round to an AS90 at some stage but atm we already have these projects already going.

Royal Marines +weapons
Paras +weapons
Saxon (on hold)
Challenger 1
RTR crew
Bedford 4 tonne (on hold)

+ Challenger 2, which I'll commence on in a month approx.

So we wont be taking up anything new untill we release atleast some of what's being worked on
« Last Edit: 29 Mar 2003, 23:19:20 by Jonno »
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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #323 on: 30 Mar 2003, 12:31:19 »
I'm getting somewhat confused by the fact that the Brit' army are using the Minimi now in there sections, but what would the Section look like know, that the Minimi and AG36 are being used?


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #324 on: 30 Mar 2003, 18:50:21 »
Oh My mistake yes I have Res 1.75, but this still doesn't explain why The Marines at Uk Forces don't appear in the West/Unit part,
I usually have no problem with em'

Offline Messiah

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    • Project UK Forces
Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #325 on: 30 Mar 2003, 20:29:39 »
they will appear under:

west -> BIB British Infantry
Proud Member of the Volunteer Commando Battalion


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #326 on: 30 Mar 2003, 20:30:17 »
try looking under BIB UK Infantry ;) (or words to that effect...)

[Edit] LOL you beat me Messy  :P :-*
« Last Edit: 30 Mar 2003, 20:31:02 by DeadMeatXM2 »


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #327 on: 30 Mar 2003, 21:08:57 »
Do any of you guys use them in res?

Offline woofer

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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #328 on: 30 Mar 2003, 22:14:22 »
I'm getting somewhat confused by the fact that the Brit' army are using the Minimi now in there sections, but what would the Section look like know, that the Minimi and AG36 are being used?

Dunno the scaling for AG36, but one gimpy, one minimi, one LSW (Why for the love of god) and rifles for the remainder is one setup being tried...


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Re:Project : UK Forces
« Reply #329 on: 31 Mar 2003, 10:03:06 »
Maybe the section are now

LSW Gunner
Minimi Gunner

Possibly one or two rifleman would have an AG36.