Its saturday night, +
I had a couple of beers...+
Its 5 am.+
And I working on a mission...=
(maybe nice for a script
well, Ive the next problem.
There is a medic. who does some pushups. Then I activate a trigger which make him go into the car (setascargo)
I drive him to a dead woman (setdammage 1.0)
so the Medic must get out of the car, and "movegetpos" woman.
But, when he is out of the car "GetOut" he is doing his pushups...
these are my scripts. first this one runs:
? stopScript1 : Medic switchmove "EffectStandmove": exit
Medic playmove "FXStandDip"
Goto "loop"
then, this one:
Medic switchmove "EffectStandmove"
<< now I see that line isnt needed...
;some chit-chat
Medic moveincargo Car
at last this one:
Medic action ["GETOUT",Car]
Medic DoMove getpos woman
at the last one, the problem is that the Medic get out of the car, and doing some pushups (he is going back to the first script. I think...