okey, i read on ofpec, on flashpoint1985.com about how you make that nice "random" face for your soldier model, guess what, still don't work, or to speak the truth i can't still find those things that i need to change. So i wonder, why don't anybody (STT?
make a demo soldier model, change so you get that fixed with faces and put online, instead of everyone has to change it. Second thing is that i tried to add a "collar".. not sure about spelling (sorry jonno i know you think i need more leassons ).. It is placed right but when ingame it has moved like to another part of his body, ktotte told me that someone told him you need to make new selection or something to make the things stay where you put them, can anyone bring some light on this issue?
ohh and mostly it is shar that have done model, i am not trying to steal his "honour" just easier to say me, since we do the model/texture close together..