I was going nuts over a mission trying to do this so asked a BIS programmer:
He said:
I recommend you to look how PutDown is done in our CfgMovesMC:
#define TimedCombatActionsExt(x,y) \
class x##Actions: CombatActions \
{ \
stop=#y;default = #y; \
down="Lying";up="Combat"; \
turnL=""; \
turnR=""; \
turnLRelaxed="";turnRRelaxed=""; \
putDownEnd ="Combat"; \
fireNotPossible="Combat"; \
#define TimedCombatActions(x) TimedCombatActionsExt(x,x)
To triger death when solider is really killed check how various deads are
Now I have no idea what that means and didn't want to ask him because he was busy so we'll have to work it out