Well , this is a 5min job so I hope this helps and gets you started in the right direction....
first you need to invent the value for the game , forget the "$" it just gets in the way .... but you can still have it show up though.
I have written startmoney.sqs and display.sqs below , put these in the gamefolder with the mission.sqs and this is what I did:
1. created player (name:P1 , Initialization:[P1] exec "startmoney.sqs") rest of the settings can be anything
2. (most important!) created Game Logic "Server" , selectF1 ,doubleclk , select Game Logic for the "Side" value , then in the name "Server" , then ok.
That should do it but let me explain the thinking so that you can go forward with this on your own.
the first line takes in the value from the Init Field "[here]" in the game. [0,1,2,3 ....etc] essentially the first value which is P1
second line I invent the VARIABLE "startingmoney" and its value "5000"
third line , for us to take that value to the "display.sqs" we enclose it the the [] square brackets and its the "local Server" that is executing the script.
_player = _this select 0
startingmoney = 5000
?(local Server): [startingmoney] exec "display.sqs"
again the value in the [] that the script receives is explained as "startingmoney" , this is not really necessary for just one value but good habit
then the "hint" shows the value on the screen , notice how the "$" is just placed along side of it , that reduces the confusion for the game.
startingmoney = _this select 0
hint format["Money: $%1",startingmoney]
Cheers hope this starts you off !