First of all I would like to thank Karrillion for his brilliant halo scripts (the ones which allow you to do multiple halo jumps throughout the mission). This was kindly provided by Karrillion in an example mission called "". Works a treat.
Secondly I have gleaned enough info on the drop fire / smoke / sparks sqs files and dled even an example mission with these scripts (cant remember where I downloaded it from tho). They are fantastic.
below is an example of some of the sqs files for fire and smoke
Anyways Ive included it all in the attached mission.
_posDrop = _this select 0
_velocity = _this select 1
_lifeTime = _this select 2
_intensity = _this select 3
_object = _this select 4
_delay = 0.3
_lifeTicks = _lifeTime / _delay
_lifeTick = _lifeTicks
drop ["cl_fire", "", "Billboard", 1, 1.5, _posDrop, [(_velocity select 0) + random 0.3, (_velocity select 1) + random 0.3, (_velocity select 2) + random 0.3], 1, 0.004, 0.004, 0.1, [(0.1 + 0.2 * _lifeTick/_lifeTicks) * _intensity, (0.1 + 0.5 * _lifeTick/_lifeTicks) * _intensity, (0.1 + 0.1 * _lifeTick/_lifeTicks) * intensity], [[1,1,1,0], [1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,0.6], [1,1,1,0]], [0,1,0], 0.5, 0.05, "", "", _object]
_lifeTick = _lifeTick - 1
?_lifeTick > 0 : goto "Begin"
now create another sqs file named smoke containing this:
_posDrop = _this select 0
_velocity = _this select 1
_lifeTime = _this select 2
_object = _this select 3
_delay = 0.3
_lifeTicks = _lifeTime / _delay
_lifeTick = _lifeTicks
drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 1, 10, _posDrop, _velocity, 1, 0.005, 0.0042, 0.5, [0.2,10], [[0,0,0,0], [0.3,0.3,0.3,1 * _lifeTick/_lifeTicks], [0.8,0.8,0.8,0.1 * _lifeTick/_lifeTicks], [0.8,0.8,0.8,0]], [0,1,0,1,0,1], 0.2, 0.2, "", "", _object]
_lifeTick = _lifeTick - 1
?_lifeTick > 0 : goto "Begin"
create a 3rd sqs file named firesource containing this:
_posDrop = _this select 0
_velocity = _this select 1
_lifeTime = _this select 2
_intensity = _this select 3
_object = _this select 4
; Fire
[_posDrop, [0,0,0], _lifeTime, _intensity, _object] exec "fire.sqs"
; Smoke
[_posDrop, _velocity, _lifeTime, _object] exec "smoke.sqs"
in order to bring them all together and create the fire/ any object in the editor and name it smoker(you may use an invisible helecopter pad if you want to precisely place the fire) and place the following in the init box of the unit:
[[getPos smoker select 0,getPos smoker select 1,(getPos smoker select 2)+.25], [0,0,1], 600, 3, "" ] exec "firesource.sqs";
when calling these scripts from the init you can change the following:
600 in the above = number of seconds for fire to burn
3 in the above = size of fire (larger is bigger fire)
+.25 in the above = height above ground to place fire
hope this helps some folks out!
Greets to all that posted this stuff.
OK so heres the rub!
It appears that these drop scripts cannot run simutaneously with the Halo scripts when all are in the same mission. I am not a script guru tho I have learned enuff to get by lately but this one has me stumped!!.
The Halo sqs runs in the background so when the player dies then respawns a trigger sets the Halo script off again so he/she can do another Halo drop but....... when I blow up anything and the drop fire / smoke scripts commence I get that garbled script error message at the top of the screen flashes between
'drop I#I["cl_fire", "", "billboard" ....etc to 'drop I#I["cl_basic", "", "billboard"....etc.
NOTE: when these scripts were tested on there own each worked perfectly. Karrillion I have made no changes to your haloexample mission.
PLEASE PLEASE someone with a kind heart and brain the size of a planet (not unlike Marvin the paranoid android off "Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy") Please DOWNLOAD this map and check why these scripts are conflicting with each other.
The maps only 9k.
This is an urgent request for a large coop mission we are working on.
Any input appreciated