Solved!Mando, I don't think you understood my question.
Why is it: atan2 = 63.435 degrees, yet: tan(20/10) = -2.18... which would be the regular trigonometric way. (tan (angle) = opposite / adjacent.)... something to do with Vector?
Also a really weird discovery here, if you could shed some light I'd be very thankful.
ArmA Values were determined by:nil = player spawn {_pos = getPos player; waitUntil {player distance _pos > 10}; hint format ["%1",[((getpos player select 0) - (_pos select 0)),((getpos player select 1) - (_pos select 1)),((getpos player select 2) - (_pos select 2))]]}
Moving on a 45 degree bearing through the compass.
So why the degree divided by
EDIT: FYI, I came to this conclusion on multiple evidence, it was discovered via a 10 degree angle not equalling the math, I then noticed a pattern in the values, and noticed 33 degrees produced the values for 10, I then tried this for 45, then divided by 3 (rounded) and got the above values (close, but the rounded is obvious in the results).
I have since tried this for many different angles, with similiar results.