private ["_a","_b","_c","_d","_e","_f","_h","_i","_t"];
_a = _this select 0;
_b = _this select 1;
_t = _this select 2;
_i = getPos _a;
_c = 0;
_t = _t * 20;
dir = [];
anim = [];
pos = [];
while {_c < _t} do
sleep 0.05;
_i = getPos _a;
_d = getDir _a;
_e = animationState _a;
dir = dir + [_d];
anim = anim + [_e];
pos = pos + [_i];
_c = _c + 1;
_c = 0;
_h = _c + 1;
_b setdir (dir select _c);
_b setpos (pos select _c);
_b playmove (anim select _c);
while {_c < _t} do
sleep 0.05;
_c = _c + 1;
_h = _c + 1;
_b setdir (dir select _c);
If ((anim select _h) != (anim select _c)) then
_b playmove (anim select _h);
if (true) exitWith {};
Aside from just releasing it cause its quite handy especially if you know how to convert the recordings to copy-able text.
Does anyone know why this works most times, but sometimes the mime just goes completely off?