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Author Topic: Yomies spawning system - braking the 144 group cap.  (Read 1589 times)

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Offline D.murphy man

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Hey guys,

As some of you are aware i have recently released the latest version of Quarantine.

How ever in the latest version a serious show stopping bug related to the 144 group limit as cropped up, leading the zombies eventually drying up. The zombies i am using for the mission are the excellent
Yomies using the spawn system that came with the package.

Currently i implemented the suggestion by andersson on braking the unit cap:
I have found a solution to max 144 yombies. Its just a small change so I will post it here soon, I must test it some more first.. Right now I'm playing a MP game and my yombie kills are 147.

If my calculations are right the new max number is 572 yombies. I just have to prove it, so I'm chasing them around in a M113 on Rahmadi as we speak.....


OK. Arma crashed when I had shot about 500 and had many of them still coming straight for me. Arma did not crash because of the yombies, just the normal "inconvenience" (8800 user).

I hope 5133p39 dont mind me doing this? Nothing else is changed from 5133p39s excellent vision and job except the max-number.

To to raise the yombie-count (143*4) you have to add some code in 2 files.

The first file is init_game.sqf which you will find in the /yourmissionfolder/yomies/.
Find this code:
Code Sample

ySide = createCenter Resistance;
// Center created for creating new groups when spawning new yomies.
// Unfortunately, there is a bug, which affects acquiring targets by the AI.
// To get rid of the bug, we still need some Resistance unit placed on the map,
// in the mission editor - the CreateCenter/Group won't do the job alone.

Change it to this:
Code Sample

ySide = createCenter Resistance;
ySidee = createCenter East;
ySidew = createCenter West;
ySidec = createCenter Civilian;
// Center created for creating new groups when spawning new yomies.
// Unfortunately, there is a bug, which affects acquiring targets by the AI.
// To get rid of the bug, we still need some Resistance unit placed on the map,
// in the mission editor - the CreateCenter/Group won't do the job alone.

The other file is spawn_yomie.sqf located in yourmissionfolder/yomies/funcs/.
Find this code:
Code Sample

_pos = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;
_i = _this select 2;
_grp = createGroup ySide;

Change it to this:
Code Sample

_pos = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;
_i = _this select 2;
_grp = createGroup ySidec;
_grp = createGroup ySidew;
_grp = createGroup ySidee;
_grp = createGroup ySide;

Thats all.

I had, before the crash, a killing spree in yombies on Rahmadi. You can choose to pump out all yombies from one marker, or divide into different. You can have all as civilians or whatever.
This doesnt change anything else, the only differens is that the maximum amount of yombies are 572 (four units are needed as normal units). But every group you add, no matter side, takes away one yombie.

Of course i needed unlimited amounts of zombies for my open ended dynamic RPG like mission. However after some people tested the above fix it was confirmed the unit cap was broken.
OK did some testing and at last count I had 689 Yomie kills!
Good to know its braked, 572 was a theoretical nr I never verified.
But alas nothing ever goes to plan in the world of mission making and scripting and the Yomies dry up within the first hour of the mission even with the above fix implemented.

So being completely and utterly stumped on how to solve the issue, and development of yomies (or any zombie mods for that matter) has seemed to of stopped i am begging for help on solving this major problem!

Thanks for reading guys, any help is extremely appreciated!

No need for an answer on this now, i have solved it using deletegroup command.
« Last Edit: 10 Mar 2008, 11:22:46 by D.murphy man »