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Author Topic: Script Request - Med CASEVAC Type script  (Read 1266 times)

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Offline trooper543

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Script Request - Med CASEVAC Type script
« on: 15 Feb 2008, 21:14:27 »
Hi there all

I was wondering if someone could help  develop a Med CASEVAC script that could be shared with the community

The whole point of the script is to allow the player to call in a med casevac and the following take place:

The med casevac chopper flys in and lands at the request of the player /Ai and picks up the wounded units

When the player activates the script

The player designates the LZ for the casevac by clicking on the map
about 500m prior to the casevac chopper coming in to land the player automatically release green smoke to mark the LZ
as this happen the AI units that are not injured form a defence parimeter around the casevac LZ

When the AI activates the script

The AI automatically finds a suitable area to designate an LZ and moves to the LZ and does the same as what the player does

If one the talented scripters could make such a script it would be most apprecaited if there is anyone that is intrested please could they pm me

Thanks in advance

Offline Spooner

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Re: Script Request - Med CASEVAC Type script
« Reply #1 on: 18 Feb 2008, 11:23:00 »
I think it would be almost impossible for the AI to find a reasonable LZ automatically. I think it would be better if the scripter defined a number of markers for reasonable LZs for the script, then the AI can choose the nearest, or otherwise most appropriate, one.

Well, this behaviour might have been assuming, but I thought I'd toss that idea in. Good luck with getting this made!
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Offline Mandoble

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Re: Script Request - Med CASEVAC Type script
« Reply #2 on: 18 Feb 2008, 13:02:41 »
You may send the chopper to the area with a simple doMove command, when the pilot is ready, use land command and the AI should find the best suitable place for landing.

Code: [Select]
driver heli1 doMove _landingmarkedpos;
Sleep 2;
waitUntil {unitReady driver heli1};
heli1 land "LAND";