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Offline RealAir

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What I need for this mission...
« on: 20 Jan 2008, 02:30:45 »

Right, I'm having a little spot of trouble.
I'm making a hostage rescue / assault mission on Rahmadi.
Basically, I have an Assault Team (Alpha), a Fire Support Group (Foxtrot), and a Sniper Team (Sierra)
The FSG is a big, heavily tooled up squad which is intended to sit on a hill, about 200m from the village, and send masses of rounds at the enemy positions, covering the assault team, allowing them to maneouver.
Sierra must take out targets, and supply information for the FSG. Now, the problem arises in that the AI does not recognise clearly visible targets. How can I resolve this?

Also, can someone point me in the direction of a hostage rescue script?

Offline Mandoble

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Re: What I need for this mission...
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jan 2008, 10:43:36 »
About hostage script, what is supposed to do that script in your particular mission?

The most basic one would do the following:
1 - first you have all the hostages as captives (unit setCaptive true)
2 - when player is close to them, set the captive state to false and join them to player's group.

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: What I need for this mission...
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jan 2008, 11:21:19 »
Edit: the "code" part is right there between "code" and "/code". It was supposed to give an URL link to the reveal command in the comref, but apparently it doesn't understand html >_<

Regarding the FSG:

Try this; make yourself the leader of the FSG, and tell them all to Hold Fire while putting them in good positions around the ridge. Then use your "spot" key (default right mouse button) to spot as many enemies as you can that are "clearly visible". After that, assign some targets, especially if they're dangerous, and once everyone has said "ready to fire!" (you might have to make some of them crouch to make sure they can shoot over the ridgeline), give them leave to open fire.

Result: huge volume of fire that rains hell down on enemy troops.

Of course, since you're probably not the leader of this group, you'll have to figure out some way to have the AI simulate roughly the same behaviour. Here's one (untested) idea:

Put down a trigger covering the area the FSG should sort of be able to see (the outskirts of the town, maybe a little bit in between the buildings), and make its activation "opfor detected by blufor" and Repeatedly. After that, write something like this in the On Activation field:

code:{leader FSG reveal _x} forEach thisList;/code

FSG = name of the group, of course (made by writing FSG = group this in one of the members' init fields).

This way, whenever ONE opfor unit inside the area is detected, ALL opfor units inside the area are revealed. This will make whole groups and the like immediately become revealed, which should increase the level of fire considerably. :)

Alternatively, make it "OPFOR Present" and then give it a Timeout value (in seconds) : that way if an OPFOR unit spends x amount of time within the "clearly visible" area, they'll all get detected.

Finally, you might want to look at some other commands to make sure the FSG doesn't run off and engage everyone, such as enableAttack and disableAI.

Good luck!

Wolfrug out.
« Last Edit: 20 Jan 2008, 16:45:35 by Wolfrug »
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline RealAir

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Re: What I need for this mission...
« Reply #3 on: 20 Jan 2008, 14:54:46 »
Hey, thanks for the reply.
Sorry, I'm afraid I'm a little out of touch with the code side of things, I understand everything you're saying, apart from the actual code there.
Could you perhaps make a sample line of code which would do what you said?
Thanks in advance!

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: What I need for this mission...
« Reply #4 on: 20 Jan 2008, 17:01:52 »
Sorry, the code got mangled by my HTML tag. You should better be able to read it now, but here it is again anyway:

Code: [Select]
{leader FSG reveal _x} forEach thisList
The command is "reveal" which will automatically reveal everyone in thisList to the leader of FSG (=the trigger's list of units, in this case OPFOR units since it's "activated by" OPFOR). It needs to be "leader FSG" because if you for instance name the leader something (L_FSG, say) and he gets killed, then the trigger won't really work anymore since you'd be revealing units to a dead guy ;)

Hope it makes sense.

By the way, this same method can work for the snipers as well, except you might as well give them free overwatch over the whole enemy-infested area (by making their trigger larger), and maybe preferring the "present" + timeout method instead.That way the snipers will engage anyone inside their line of sight and fire. Hopefully ;)

Try it out, tell us how it went.

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline RealAir

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Re: What I need for this mission...
« Reply #5 on: 20 Jan 2008, 17:20:27 »
Okay so do I have to name the specific groups that are revealed?
And whereabouts does this list go?

Sorry...in a bit of new territory here!

Offline RealAir

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Re: What I need for this mission...
« Reply #6 on: 20 Jan 2008, 17:46:39 »
Disregard last post...appears to be working...
I'll let you know after some more testing...

Offline RealAir

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Re: What I need for this mission...
« Reply #7 on: 20 Jan 2008, 19:17:31 »
Right, I've now tested the scenario fairly thoroughly.
The mission is played as a member of one of the assault teams, assaulting from the north (the other atttacks from the south).
The FSG is on the big ridge to the east, and the sniper team slightly further south - both can fairly clearly see the whole town.
Did some messing around with synchronising and radio triggers to get everything in sync, and it appears to have worked.
Attack takes place at approx 0230, because the terrorists do not have NVGs.
The trigger works perfectly, as soon as the assault teams move in, and start spotting hostiles, the FSG comes down on them like a bag of hammers. It's quite effective, and it also has allowed me to slightly up-scale the scenario a bit, adding in more terrorists. Not massively difficult, there's about 30, guarding and patrolling the village, vs 'my' force of 20'ish - but planning and force multipliers tip the odds in our favour.
Next I need to tackle the hostages and the extraction...I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks a lot for the help!

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Re: What I need for this mission...
« Reply #8 on: 20 Jan 2008, 19:57:30 »
Welcome to OFPEC RealAir :welcome:

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