Hello fellows,
I found out how to hide markers when the mission is running.
expActiv="""hostile_area"" setMarkerSize [0,0]; ""settle"" setMarkerSize [0,0]; ""EI"" setMarkerSize [0,0]; ""FWD"" setMarkerSize [0,0]; ""FP"" setMarkerSize [0,0]; ""rm"" setMarkerSize [0,0]";
expActiv="""settle"" setMarkerSize [60,60]; ""hostile_area"" setMarkerSize [320,220]; ""EI"" setMarkerSize [1,1]; ""FWD"" setMarkerSize [1,1]; ""FP"" setMarkerSize [1,1]; ""EI"" setMarkerPos [5808,7082,72]; ""FWD"" setMarkerPos [5923,6592,31]; ""FP"" setMarkerPos [5322,6472,31]; ""rm"" setMarkerPos [5517,6647,32]";
But this does not prevent the markers been shown in the main briefing. This means that when the player looks at the map he already can see where possible objectives are.
So how do you hide them until they are called in the mission?
Help is
, please.
Regards limmy3