Hi guys, I am trying to make an intro for a mission. I have made the mission but the intro is proving to be problematic because I can't even get it off the ground.
I have a few problems.
I have a bunch of guys on parade in front of their commanding officer. In order to get the guys to stand at attention, I made a small script with
_soldier = _this select 0
_soldier switchmove "FXStandAtt"
written in it. Playmove doesn't work so it is all or nothing.
The problem with this is that the chunk on the computer is unfuckingbelievable. when operating with the intro sub category is it always that bad or is it because I have about twenty guys using the one script? Is there anyway to get around calling the script? switchmove or playmove doesn't work in the init fields of the soldiers.
The second and more serious problem is me trying to make the actual cutscene. I can't get the camera script to work. What happens is that straight off the mission loading up I call the script intro. Nothing happens. No camera is created or anything.
What could be the possible explanations for this? Here is my code.
_object = _this select 0
_camx = getpos _Object select 0
_camy = getpos _Object select 1
_camz = getpos _Object select 2
_cam = "camera" CamCreate [_camx, _camy +5, _camz +5]
_cam CamSetTarget _Object
_cam CameraEffect ["internal", "Black"]
_cam CamCommit 0
_cam CameraEffect ["terminate", Back"]
camdestroy _cam
Could someone look at this and tell me why it might not work?
Thanks everyone