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Author Topic: gear in briefing  (Read 1797 times)

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Offline Jffsieg

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gear in briefing
« on: 24 Mar 2007, 23:30:55 »
I was just wondering if you could still get weapons and ammo in the briefing in arma.

If you can then I must be doing somthing wrong

Code: [Select]
class weapons
class M4A1SD            {count = 4;};


class magazines
   class 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD               {count = 30;};

So is there anyway to do this?

Offline BensTooCool

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Re: gear in briefing
« Reply #1 on: 24 Mar 2007, 23:55:19 »
Make a description.ext file in your mission folder then copy and past the following, there are more weapons and items you can add but I can't remember the names. Once you've done this just load your mission and when you goto briefing you'll be able to change weapons.

class Weapons
class M4A1 {count = 10;};
class M4AIM {count = 10;};
class M4A1GL {count = 10;};
class M4A1SD {count = 10;};
class M16A2 {count = 10;};
class M16A2GL {count = 10;};
class G36a {count = 10;};
class G36c {count = 10;};
class G36k {count = 10;};
class MP5SD {count = 10;};
class M240 {count = 10;};
class M249 {count = 10;};
class M24 {count = 10;};
class M107 {count = 10;};
class M136 {count = 10;};
class stinger {count =10;};
class M9 {count = 10;};
class M9SD {count = 10;};

class Magazines
class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag {count = 30;};
class 30Rnd_556x45_G36 {count = 30;};
class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD {count = 30;};
class 200Rnd_556x45_M249 {count = 30;};
class 100Rnd_762x51_M240 {count = 30;};
class 5Rnd_762x51_M24 {count = 30;};
class 10Rnd_127x99_M107 {count = 30;};
class M136 {count = 30;};
class stinger {count = 30;};
class 15Rnd_9x19_m9 {count = 30;};
class 1Rnd_HE_M203 {count = 30;};
class FlareWhite_M203 {count = 30;};
class FlareRed_M203 {count = 30;};
class FlareGreen_M203 {count = 30;};
class FlareYellow_M203 {count = 30;};
class HandGrenade {count = 30;};
class PipeBomb {count = 30;};
class Mine {count = 30;};

Offline sharkattack

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Re: gear in briefing
« Reply #2 on: 25 Mar 2007, 19:38:43 »
unless youre playable units  are starting in vehicles !
then try adding weapon selection to the said vehicle
"HOLY SARDINE" - see Shark-Attack meet his match

Offline bardosy

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Re: gear in briefing
« Reply #3 on: 26 Mar 2007, 10:10:48 »
It's because the player team are in a vehicle in the begining.

I usually solved this problem: in the begining the player and his group NOT in the vehicle. And in the init.sqs insert these code:
Code: [Select]
{_x moveInCargo vehicle} forEach units group player

The 0.01 sec delay is enough for the ArmA to this group NOT in the vehicle in the briefing phase, but after briefing they ARE in the vehicle.
Fix bayonet!

Offline Jffsieg

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Re: gear in briefing
« Reply #4 on: 31 Mar 2007, 03:15:28 »