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Author Topic: How do i get a script 'associated' with a mission outside of the editor?  (Read 1477 times)

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Offline spoon_fed05

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hi there....i'm new to mission editing so this may seem a pretty obvious question.....

just made a mission in the ArmA editor and have used the urban patrol script on some of the units.  i have placed the script in "my documents.....Arma\scripts" (you know what i mean!) and all works well if i run the mission in preview mode in the editor.  

however, i have also exported the mission to single and multiplayer and if i try to run the mission from "missions" i get a messege along the lines of the script not being detected (the mission runs but i presume the UPS script isn't running).  i have tried putting the ups.sqf file into the missions folder in the bohemia\armed assault\missions folder but no luck there - anyone know what i'm doing wrong?

also....i have read a lot about PBOTool....i've tried looking for it but not found it (not sure i really need it right now, but you never know) - anyone supply a link?


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Offline Wolfrug

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you need to put the ups.sqf into the mission BEFORE you export it to singleplayer :) Having it in the global script folder (which is where you have it now) will work fine when previewing and testing and messing around, but not when actually exporting and handing the thing over to other people. You can find the mission in /.../YourProfile/Missions/YourMissionName.sara. Just pop the script in there and then export, should work ok. Alternatively, use your newly discovered PBO utility and open up the .pbo, pop in the script, and re-pbo the file.

Good luck!

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline spoon_fed05

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aha!  it works!  makes sense now!!   :good:

thanks for the replies!!