I recently completed making a very difficult mission, where at one point, the player (and his squad-if their still alive), must board a blackhawk as it arrives. You would expect there to be some scripting and what not, but the way i did it, requires none.
This is what i did:
the helo starts off away from the mission area. It has one waypoint
that is synchronised by a trigger that send the helo in
to pickup the team.
The second waypoint is the 'LOAD' waypoint. This is synchronised
with the player's 'GET IN' waypoint. The final waypoint is where it
flies away. This will work regardless of how many waypoints the player or the helo have, but there is a catch.
To get the chopper to fly off with you and your team onboard, you have to have passed through all your previous waypoints.
AI controlled squads that board choppers will still need the getin command though.
AMAZING! lol. I dont know if anyone else knows this, but im gonna post it up anyway. You never know...
Also, i thank THobson for this, mainly because he managed to figure out a way to do this in the post like this one. I merely stumbled upon this easier way by accident!