I have tried to get music to work on my OFP(cold war crisis version only) game for 2 days now. It keeps coming up with a can't find lnmb message. I followed NavySeals tut. but no luck. I am making a mission where you play as a Delta Force soldier during the Black Hawk Down movie. I just realized you could put music on the game that was not on it before. I found a song called "Leave no man behind" but cut it down to "lnmb" so the game can reconize it. I first coverted it to wav the .ogg. I coverted it at:
Frequency 44100 hz max,BitRate 128kbps, 16 bit, stereo, Encoding - Constant Bitrate.
I then put it into a folder named"Music".
I then made the notepad doc. so it looks like this:
class CfgMusic
class lnmb
sound[]={\music\lnmb.ogg,db+0, 1.0};
without the lines.(I just was showing that there is no space between the start of notepad and the writting, if the is a space please tell me) I then save it as description.ext and not as a .txt. I then put that next to the folder named: Music. Then I start the game but there is no song named lnmb in the music-drop down list. I try to make it play as a trigger by putting Activation by:west, Activation:True, On Activation:playMusic"lnmb". It just says can't find lnmb. Hope I said enough info.
If you know what I did wrong please tell me, Thank You.