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Author Topic: another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)  (Read 3834 times)

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we are all craving for a carrier in ofp, many people have been teasing us with beautiful pictures but never released them, so here is my proposal:

I managed to get the USS Cold Freight ingame, I am willing to give it to whoever wants to help me texture & tune it. let's have some good-old community spirit (not mod politics)!

http://www.coldfritescrisis.host.sk/untexturedcarrier.jpg (refresh might be necessary)
« Last Edit: 19 Oct 2002, 23:30:38 by junkie-xL »


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Re:another carrier (in need of textures)
« Reply #1 on: 19 Oct 2002, 22:32:14 »
i'll try TRY to texture it im sort of good, go to post 1985 and lookat my UK c-130, then you tell me by pm yes or no. ;D


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #2 on: 19 Oct 2002, 23:39:39 »
what I'm having in mind is (although I leave it open to discussion):
- a ship fully landable by AI (:o), or at least so that a fast plane can take off from it all by itself.
- that's why it would need to be a static object with a fixed place on a map rather than a ship. I can do the "airport" magic myself.
- of course there can be a static and a dynamic versions like the Jafergon ship ...
- in my wildest dreams I also see a SCUD-like cruise missile departing from the thing ...

the model is very basic right now. Raiden, are you good at 02 object definitions as well?


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #3 on: 19 Oct 2002, 23:48:39 »
NOPE just textures


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #4 on: 20 Oct 2002, 02:06:27 »
that thing needs alot more then textures ill say that for sure.
for and what is up with it it looks bad. i saw a post awhile back from operation northstar im leaning more towards that.


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #5 on: 20 Oct 2002, 02:08:27 »
ya its PURE WHITE :P


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #6 on: 20 Oct 2002, 02:19:29 »
the main problem is its a 3d cafe model, and its gone badly wrong on importing, half the faces are facing the wrong way, it needs a huge clean up job


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #7 on: 20 Oct 2002, 11:05:00 »
that thing needs alot more then textures ill say that for sure.
for and what is up with it it looks bad. i saw a post awhile back from operation northstar im leaning more towards that.

i'm quite convinced that operationnorthstar have used the same basic model (you can tell from the awkward way the command tower is floating in the air). But they claim they have LOST their files, so you will be leaning towards that until the year 2003 probably.


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #8 on: 20 Oct 2002, 11:16:41 »
excuse me ehemmm actually we didnt lose the file i finally got it back also more like the year 2002, ANYWAYS! is that even a carrier.


NAA Darkaxe

not from 3dcafe.com

good luck.


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #9 on: 20 Oct 2002, 12:22:36 »
obviously sometimes you need to provoke people to let them come forward with current project status information

I take back my words that you would have imported it (I'm allowed to be mistaken, right?) and i'm really glad the operationnorthstar carrier is still there and - as you can see - I can hardly wait till it's there ...


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #10 on: 20 Oct 2002, 23:54:03 »
k im out of it, i doing a mod/addon thing with maddogx


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #11 on: 24 Oct 2002, 11:05:20 »
I think that the operationnorthstar carrier and the one that fliper where making looked good but.  :)
I'll guess we will have at least 2 or more carriers ready for christmas or maybe... ???

I think we will se many carriers some are going to be better than others in textures and some will have more cool features like the different cars that Blackbaron and mechanic made to ofp. With openable doors and roof and all stuff

Maybe someone will make a carrier with those cargo elevators where the planes are taken inside the deck..hint hint.. ;)
And a spinning radar like the one that colonel clink made on the tower.  And please make the tower so that you can run around side it like that dock landing ship that really ownz! :)
I hope they release a new version of it whitout the fall down through the floor bug.. :)


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Re:another carrier
« Reply #12 on: 08 Nov 2002, 13:30:22 »

i've buried my carrier - too much work :'(


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #13 on: 08 Nov 2002, 21:12:08 »
i believe flipers was just that 3dcafe model that he used as a demonstration for making carrier's work, i may be wrong but it looks that way...


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Re:another carrier (in need of texturing & further o2-treatment)
« Reply #14 on: 22 Nov 2002, 22:00:19 »
we are all craving for a carrier in ofp, many people have been teasing us with beautiful pictures but never released them, so here is my proposal:

I managed to get the USS Cold Freight ingame, I am willing to give it to whoever wants to help me texture & tune it. let's have some good-old community spirit (not mod politics)!

http://www.coldfritescrisis.host.sk/untexturedcarrier.jpg (refresh might be necessary)

is that a stealth carrier?