indeed. it would go in a script, a simple text file, saved as filename.sqs, and called either from the unit's init line or from the init.sqs file.
to call the script from the unit's init line type
this exec "rearm.sqs"
to call the script from the init.sqs file type
unit_name exec "rearm.sqs"
and the rearm script?
;alter loadout
_who = _this
removeallweapons _who
_who addmagazine "m16"
_who addweapon "m16"
_who addmagazine "m16"
_who addmagazine "m16"
_who addmagazine "m16"
_who addmagazine "lawlauncher"
_who addweapon "lawlauncher"
_who addmagazine "lawlauncher"
_who addweapon "throw"
_who addmagazine "handgrenade"
_who addweapon "handgrenade"
_who addmagazine "handgrenade"
_who addweapon "binocular"
save this as rearm.sqs in the same folder as the other mission files. for a list of available default weapons, see the attached textfile.
[attachment deleted by admin]