That's what I was trying to avoid telling you. ;D Partly because I can't quite remember, and partly because its vicious. The problem is that saveVar - the command you can use to transfer variables between missions in a campaign - does not work between mission and outro. (Curiously, it does work between intro and mission.) I used saveStatus, but it is not wholly reliable. Nor does it record whether a loon is alive or dead.
OK I'll look it up .... Just before the end of the mission a script (transfer.sqs) detects whether a unit is alive or dead. If it is dead it has all its magazines removed and an M16 mag, AK47mag and FNFal mag is added. At the very end of the mission exit.sqs saves the status of each loon.
At the start of the outro outroStart.sqs loads the status of each loon (in the outro they have the same names as in the mission) and then magazines are checked. If they have the loadout of death then the loon is deleted. The live loons are setDammage 0 since one of the peculiarities of all this is that sometimes a loon would start the outro dead for no reason at all.
Obviously you can use magazine loadouts to convey any information you want. There was some discussion of improving the system but I can't remember what the conclusion was. Using damage levels of gamelogics was mentioned. Anyway, the point is that its probably not worth it. It certainly wasn't worth discovering - don't forget that you can't test it in the mission editor, you have to do it from Single Missions.
You are welcome to use this system providing credit is given.