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Author Topic: map into game  (Read 1035 times)

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map into game
« on: 17 Oct 2002, 05:47:03 »
ok i have made the map and im going to put it into game i get the wrp file paa file .config and the BIN thing and put them in a folder. then i compress them and stick thm in the addons part of ofp. but when i go into game they arnt there. i think it might be the config because ive looked through some sights and there is like 50 ways to do it and im not sure which is right. but all im sure of is that it dosnt show up in the game. :help:


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Re:map into game
« Reply #1 on: 17 Oct 2002, 20:53:53 »
class CfgPatches {
   class Islandname {
      units[] = {};
      weapons[] = {};
      worlds[] = {Islandname};
      requiredVersion = 1.30;

class CfgWorlds {
   class DefaultWorld {
   class Intro : DefaultWorld {
   class Islandname : Intro {
      access = 3;
      description = "What_shows_in_editor";
      icon = "\Islandname\PAA_NAME.paa";
        worldName= "\Islandname\Islandname.wrp";
      cutscenes[] = {""};

class CfgWorldList {
   class Islandname {
Ok just use the above ,it is simpliest one.Just replace "Islandname" with what you call your island.
Replace PAA_NAME with name of your paa,
Make the folder you compress same as Islandname makes it easier.
Try using PboTools1 to compress.Just put your wrp and cpp file in a folder named same as your island,add the paa and config.bin to this also.
Config.bin is simply
what_shows_editor would be what you want the name if ofp mission editor to show,probably just name it Islandname also.
Center position[] is where in wrpedit the center of your map is.
The one I have here is for mine and is about the center of editor.


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Re:map into game
« Reply #2 on: 18 Oct 2002, 00:29:12 »
ok i did all of that and i pbo stuck it in the addons folder but when i open ofp it says "config:end of line encountered aftr 109" and then ofp wont open. i put the .bin the cpp the wrp and the paa in pbo it and stuck it in addons. and i belive the cpp is correct. and to make the .bin do i just use the .bin tool and .bin my config. thats what i did(if thats wright) :-\


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Re:map into game
« Reply #3 on: 18 Oct 2002, 01:50:36 »
That error is caused by a missing { or } somewhere.I checked
again what I wrote to use it seems I had it correct,I jst copied and pasted from what works here.To get ofp to work again just delete that pbo you made,retry again making sure you have a closing bracket } for every opening bracket{.
You could send your wrp file to here,I could get the thing working for you.Recursagn@aol.com