I'm using the script spawnman2 + AI UPDATE by Spankmeyer.
The script has the enemy thowing alot of smoke grenades and also seems to have smoke for tanks too so there can be alot of smoke in the air at times causing a pretty big drop in framerate.
I was wondering if anyone here has used this script and if its possible to reduce the amount of smoke used by enemy or just get rid of it alltogether?
This is the script that seems to command the enemy to throw smoke:
; 2003 by ])rStrangelove modified by spankmeyer (the popin smoke part)
;A groupleader that is hit will start this
_me = _this select 0
_shooter = _this select 1
;hint "active"
; *************************for use in PopinÂ'Smoke Part*********
_grp = group _me
_grparray = units _grp
; ***************************************
?((side _shooter == WEST) AND ((leader group _me) == _me) AND !(eastari)):eastari = true;[(getpos _shooter), 9, 1, 100] Exec "spawnman\bombing.sqs";
?((side _shooter == EAST) AND ((leader group _me) == _me) AND !(westari)):westari = true;[(getpos _shooter), 9, 1, 100] Exec "spawnman\bombing.sqs";
_me removeAllEventHandlers "Hit"
; **************************PopinÂ' Smoke Part********************************
; if whole group is dead exit. Random chance (35%) of enemy poping smoke
? (_grp == grpNull) : EXIT
? (random 100 > 25) : EXIT
;hint "Er würde jetzt rauch scmeissen"
_thrower = _grparray select 1
; Make the officer face your dirextion.
_thrower doWatch _shooter
; Define the smokegrenade, can be "smokeshell", "smokeshellred", "smokeshellgreen"
; random smoke colour
_smoke = ["smokeshell","smokeshellred","smokeshellgreen"]
_random = random 3
_random = _random - _random % 1
_smoke = _smoke select _random
; Add the smoke shell
_mags = magazines _thrower
_mag = _mags select 0
_thrower removemagazine _mag
_thrower addmagazine _smoke
; Let leader throw the smoke shell
_thrower fire ["throw",_Smoke,_Smoke]
_thrower addmagazine _mag
; **************************************************************************