I was just using that as an example tbh. For now, the script would only be used for a few units, so the specific global variables seems to be my best bet.
I am actually using the "fired" variable to check who fired, then, if its the right guy, to continue with the script. Sorta, its a bit more then that - but that's all I need the EH for. That would seem easy enough:
_unit = _this select 0
_unit do whatever
But then I need to also know if a variable is true or not after the fired EH is activated - which is how I got in this mess in the first place.
no scripts needed at all:
I think there's a few too many commands and too complex to just bung them in the scope (
) of the EH. Also, there's labels and stuff - but if I could just put it all onto one line and stick it in the EH, that would be the best solution of all
Well, you sure gave me a lot of options to try out
So I'll be busy experimenting to see which gives the best result. Thanks!