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Boiling point Campaign
« on: 14 Aug 2005, 04:20:22 »
Hello fellow OFPECers! :wave:

Since I'm off to college in a few weeks and I have a job and RL is a pain, I won't be able to complete a campaign that I thought up and partially built. I never got very far into it, only three missions made (not all final versions) and I loved my idea of being a marine in a peacekeeping operation. I had also wanted to incorporate some newish ideas and generally make a fun, infantry based campaign with some cool atmoshpere. However due to my not being around I can't finish it without slacking on something else. I really want to see this done and I would love to play it. So if you do use my idea, give credit where it is due and heck even ask for ideas from me or help.  ;)

Here are my design notes, note that they may not make a lot of sense, but the sentences near the end of each mission are generally an overview of what happens or what is supposed to happen and stuff like that.


Boiling Point Campaign
by GuiltyRoachKillar

addons: JAM 2, MARPAT, Sarugao,

MACS M2A: http://www.ofpec.com/addons_depot/index.php?ID=348
shotgun: http://flashpoint.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=6246
pk mounted: http://flashpoint.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=3162
Gen Barron's EU

MARPAT Marines

Sarugao ISland


Gen Barron OFP editor

ENEMY: Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova  ---> RBM Alliance
Allied: NATO troops

Story: Sarugao is a small island in the Black Sea. It has no real military except for some small bands of hardy militia. Having oil on this island made it a sought after economic partner. Romania had become a power in the area and had enlisted Bulgaria, Moldova and a few dozen high priority Sarugaoans in their alliance called the RBM Alliance. Supposedly they were using this as a cloak to keep the rest of the world's powers from suspecting anything. Seceretly they had been stealing and using their combined power to get economic superiority in the region and get many sought after products for cheap prices. They became especially interested in Sarugao after the discovery of oil and natural gas on the island.

   However, many people, in fact almost the whole population were looking towards the common good and rejected the thought of joining RBM when they could sell their products and raw materials for much higher prices in the world market. The countries in the RBM were angered after not being accepted by the European Union so they had started to concentrate on domestic ways to help their economies.

So once they started sending people and companies to take the oil and NG from Sarugaoan territory, the citizens protested. Their leaders however, were on the side of the RBM as they were getting other forms of payback which benifited them only. The people called on their govt to do something, but after a month or so, the people became unruly and organized a rebellion using the small groups of militia that formed the Sarugao Army. These units were loyal to their people and sided with the rebels. After taking the capital of Belnuevo on March 30, 1991 the rebels gained control of the island, took control of the government, and shot or imprisoned the foriegn workers while destroying any equipment belonging to the RBM oil companies (Rangarr Corp & Wahal Industries). The rebels revelled in their success however the RBM Alliance sent troops and armor on May 14, 1991. They also stopped all contact with NATO and the UN. The island which had witnessed a rather peaceful takeover by the rebels a dozen days before now was in an island wide battle between rebels and RBM troops with soviet weapons, armor, and vehicles.

Many citizens were dying and being persecuted as the RBM took revenge for their companies losses and the rebellion itself. They restored the island to its former self and started to drill once more. -May 21, 1991

(May 23, 1991)- By now, many rebels have sought hiding in the rural and mountanious areas and the RBM had complete control over Sarugao, execpt they were abusing their power and persecuting civilians and imprisoning people. The RBM was pretty much taking whatever they wanted and had been draining Sarugao of its economy to improve their own. Rebels have been fighting a guerilla war with RBM troops.

On May 25, 1991 NATO sends peace keeping troops along with United States Marines to oust the RBM Alliance from Sarugao and restore the island to its former peaceful self. NATO also tries to contact RBM, but no valid response is given. Sanctions begin on RBM countries.

On May 27, 1991 United States Marines land on the coast of Sarugao...

intro main 1 - show situation and such, how it got that way, what the ENEMY did to Sarugao in the Black sea, report status of rebels on the island. They are hostile to all. NATO intervention, USA first with Marines then UN (JAM2) troops arrive. Side by side.
-told from television reporters point of view

May 27, 1991

Mission 2: St Alto swamps -- take the base and docks = obj--> allow un/nato forces to land easily: done totally

Mission 3: Battle of St. Alto -- player's marines divvie into fire teams quickly as they start resting. as another marine force landing immediatly after mission 1 attacks St. Alto. Your mission--> follow your leader and try to take out the armor they may cut down the forces coming in from the south. You'll be exposed, but fire the AT weapon and get down.
obj--> stubborn officer wants to move quickly. St. Alto taken: almost finished

Mission 4: St. Renoir or bust -- player's marines will ambush enemy from ?south? as force recon takes down the small dock presence to the north, 2 marine sqauds. Then an order along with another squad gets you to keep moving to Meridan and Lebrija, however your force is stopped at the rocks. Bloody battle. Pull back pull back!: just starting

obj--> take south western pennisula = fail, only get St Renoir,

Mission 5: Dire Straits -- enemies on both sides, your marines are broken up and ppl are flung about between the rocks to St. Renoir to St. Alto. Find some men to help gather a defense. Enemy troops expected from the north.  Rebel attack through enemy lines on south end and the rebels end up face to face with Marines. Drive them off or defend St. Renoir-->cannot be done
Actually the ambush at St. Alto fails and easties break through to St. Renoir, majority of fighting is done in or near St. Alto. Rebels later.
objective = hold your land, but run run, rebels take St. Renoir, you're back in St. Alto

Mission 6: Cutscene -- NATO's arrived, time to kick some ass with some hardware, no choppers yet, weather is crap

mission 7: The Scythe -- With the help of some UN troops and their light armor (M60 & M113& M2A2) smash the rebels who are caught between easties and westies. Take Renoir and get past rocks to small checkpoint. end mission

obj = kick arse and get land back

mission 8: Slaughter -- complete NATO conquest and take out remaining easties on that pennisula. Surrendering troops too. Along with token rebels at castle island. Include armor.
watch slaughter of dumb UN troops by rebel MG on castle area.
obj = take control of the south of island.

mission 9: Driver -- drive the wounded home , simple laidback mission, nothing to it really
obj = get wounded to hospital before they die

mission 10: Sly Fox -- operatiion sly fox, through forest to take small airport, not known to be used by the easties for air vehicles. May encounter armor + small air = V80?

Thanks and if you want to comment on it go ahead,
GRK ;)

Edit: As for the intro, I planned on doing all that story telling via a camera man and reporter who follow the pre invasion events on Sarugao. I thought it'd be cool from the reporters POV and getting to watch some forbidden video (the pair die in the end) seems like it'd communicate with the player very strongly.
« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2005, 04:26:29 by GuiltyRoachKillar »

Offline crave22

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Re:Boiling point Campaign
« Reply #1 on: 14 Aug 2005, 05:09:17 »
That sounds great! Great storyline. It's very descriptive and sounds realistic. It'd make a great campaign! ;)

Oh, and good luck at college! :wave: Have fun and go to all the wild parties you can! :cheers: :toocool:

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Re:Boiling point Campaign
« Reply #2 on: 14 Aug 2005, 12:31:33 »
how about posting i up in the recruitment lounge you could ask someone to carry on from where you left off i would probaly do i tbut im also making my own campiagn and ive also got plans on a sequel after this is released and armed assault
shame you couldnt finish it it does sound great

but anyway good luck with college


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Re:Boiling point Campaign
« Reply #3 on: 15 Aug 2005, 02:55:50 »
Well fact is, I know how different ppl's editing can be and picking up on missions I've half finished would be very hard if not difficult to keep motivation up to complete something half done. Trust me I've done stuff like that before. Plus its more of an idea and I'm posting it for someone to do rather than recruit. You sorta get the idea.

And I'm still open to comments on the idea itself, critics welcome. ;)

@college: Thanks for the well wishes.
I will try to stay away from those rowdy parties. Those 19 year olds should just stay in the dorm on Fridays! >:( ;D :D


The Negotiator

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Re:Boiling point Campaign
« Reply #4 on: 15 Aug 2005, 11:04:11 »
This sounds interesting..  ;D