ah rofl.. its simple.
put money1 > 50 in the condition
and put
hint format ["Player's money is %1", money1]
Its right I think. Try to put that in an .sqs file instead of a trigger if you know what I mean.
Something like this:
hint format["You have %1 in your bank account",player1money]
EDIT: OOPS!!!! Forgot to read that question!
Here is how to distract money from buying stuff and all that sh!t
in a trigger's activation put: buyglock=player addaction["buy a glock as weapon with ammo","weapon.sqs"]
make a file called weapon.sqs
put in it:
if playermoney<30: goto notenough
hint format["you've bought a glock with ammo! You've got %1 dollars left!",playermoney]
goto exit
hint "you don't have enough money for a glock with ammo!"
Tell me if it works or if it doesn't