Well, after little bit thinking again i came to the conclusion
that it could theoretically be possible to do what you want
Corben (at least what belongs to the different animations).
Not by switching different firemodes, as there would be a
better way;
Eventhandler Fired is a good start, but instead of using some
modified firing animations (note that you're very limited
with these), you should just use various random switchmove
animations, activated by the eventhandler.
The firemode switching could then again be used to switch
between defensife and offensive moves
Now this animation question could be solved, but there
are still two big big problems.
A: the hit/damage detection
If the mod should look a little bit like quality and not turn into
a one-time try, you need a working hit-detection - and that's
the problem - it's a nogo
B: I suggest you to ask Sanctuary about what he thinks
of how much effort this will take, as he has most experience
in the comunity (at least what i know) with creating custom
animations. And what i've read he said that creating the patrol
packs was a pain in the ass.
Note that compared to your idea of Samurai hooray Sanctuary's
animation packs were still very close to the original animations,
but still he said that making the transitions between the different
animations was so much work that he don't want have to make
this again. In your case i even don't want think about it.
However - i wish you success with this project, but at the moment
i'm still not sure if your mod will see it's first light before armed
assault 2.
~S~ CD