may be this is of some help...
unit/vehicle init [this] exec "filename.sqs"
_object = _this select 0
_pos = getpos _object
_dir = getdir _object
_type = typeof _object
@!(alive _object)
deletevehicle _object
_tmp = _type createvehicle _pos
_tmp setdir _dir
_tmp setpos _pos
player reveal _tmp
_object = _tmp
goto "start"
this will not respawn the veicles crew, so if u want to add its crew again then you will need to add a cheak
?_type == "M60": _c = "SoldierWCrew" createvehicle [0,0,0] ;_c moveindriver _tmp;_c = "SoldierWCrew" createvehicle [0,0,0] ;_c moveInGunner _tmp;_c = "SoldierWCrew" createvehicle [0,0,0] ;_c moveInCommander _tmp
there could well be an easyer way, but not that i can think of...