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Author Topic: BHD-movie like RPG's  (Read 2780 times)

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BHD-movie like RPG's
« on: 14 Jun 2005, 15:41:19 »
I Could realy,realy, realy use some help/input (<constructive!) on this one:

Basically I want to remodel an excisting RPG-7 (doesnt realy matter which one, as long as it's some good RPG-7 model) with a config that makes it perform
like in the movie Black Hawk Down.

Yes I know, not so realistic but more fun+eyecandy.

Idealy it would fly at about 1/3th of the present speeds, leave a nice, compact smoketrail with a modified exhaust-flame burning a lot longer
then default.
The Idea behind being that ingame it would actually be possible to dodge icomming
missiles like they would perform in slow-mo style, with enhanced visual effects.

Also, AI should be able to use it (hmmm...) and target players&choppers with it.
Last but not least, It would have to be MP-compatible.

I've been busy gathering code-snippets from various rpg-configs
but am unable sofar to create one addon which does all the above.
Everything I want is already there, partly in the form of scripts with eventhandlers-activation and partly in the form of addons (like BAS/JAM/ECP/FFUR) just not combined into 1 RPG.

Again, I could realy realy use some help, especially with the drop-function
and the CCP part.
I've looked at every threath and helpfile, some are great (droputil, config manual's/help etc etc) but I'm afraid my coding skills are just too mediocre to make it all work.

« Last Edit: 14 Jun 2005, 15:48:55 by Mox2002 »


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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jun 2005, 17:16:11 »
There was a script that made nicer smoke on rockets, then you just change RPG ammo so it goes slow.
Mess around with that, and tada :P
I can't find that link just now, and just going to walk the dog
Good luck with it :)
- Ben


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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #2 on: 14 Jun 2005, 19:14:50 »
If you mean bored_onion's rocket fire effect- or Igor Drukov/Vektorboson rocketfire script, Yes thats what started the idea in the first place.
Otherwise I wouldn't know what else there's around script-wise.
Problem is I can't get both scripts to work with anything other then default-BIS
rockets..probably because 3th party Addons come with ccp-settings that overrule anything else?
No luck with it sofar....

Anyway, appriciate the help!

« Last Edit: 14 Jun 2005, 19:48:38 by Mox2002 »


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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jun 2005, 04:33:00 »
Almost done.

I was wondering if there's a way to change the default mass of a rocket,
and if so, if this would enable you to tweak the init and burst speed
of the rocket to lower settings before ofp-gravity drags it down.


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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #4 on: 15 Jun 2005, 04:53:32 »
I was wondering if there's a way to change the default mass of a rocket
AFAIK this can only be done by opening the rocket model in Oxygen and adjusting it's weight in the Geo lod.

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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #5 on: 15 Jun 2005, 05:58:43 »
I was afraid of that, since I couldn't find any syntax for it.
So does this mean that I'm reasonably stuck with a minimum speed
of about 50 for a rocket? (which is already close to what I wanted anyway...it's now easily possible to dodge incomming rpg's from anything further then 15 meters) Anything less seems to put AI into RPG's Mortar-trajectory (if they fire at all).

could a proxy or someting like it fix anything? dunno yet, totally new to that.

I don't want to camcreate the rocket cause that will almost certainly cause
issues in MP I want to avoid.

« Last Edit: 15 Jun 2005, 06:01:16 by Mox2002 »


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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #6 on: 17 Jun 2005, 18:36:53 »
You could open the RPG model in ODOL Explorer 2, save it, modify the weight in O2 (Go to geolod, select everything and change weight, with Window > Weight thing), and include this in your PBO
Just change object path to

- Ben

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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #7 on: 18 Jun 2005, 08:22:39 »
Hi Mox !

Don't worry - dead easy !    8)

I have been messing around with EH's a lot lately and have developed a little script that makes a nice short red burn followed by a long smoky trail - makes my OH-58 strikes look dead wicked !

Now all I need to do is add a line that slows the velocity of the rocket down to (say) 33% or so and there you are - a slow moving, smoky rocket.

Back in 30 minutes . . .    :joystick:



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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #8 on: 18 Jun 2005, 14:12:30 »
Hi Mox

Okay, that took longer than I expected.  I forgot that LAW and RPG rounds are continuously accelerated for the first part of their trip, I had to do some sneaky maths to make them mosey their way to their targets.

Check out the attached zip file - it contains a little mission with (hopefully) exactly what you're looking for.  It's basically you and two other LAWmen (you are the Law !) vs three parked and defenceless BMP's.  Watch the fireworks your friends cause - I set the preview at sunset too so you get the best smoke and light show possible !

Essentially, all I did was make a little EH to capture the fired rocket, and if it's a LAW round rather then a bullet, say, the EH adds a smoke trail and (for the first .4 of a second) a fire trail.

I also slowed the round down, to get that "arc" fire effect I had to do some tricky slow-mo velocity variation maths for the height vector.  This does make aiming a pain in the butt (for both humans AND AI !), so if you want to improve your aim just set the variable _vZ = 0 and you'll have perfectly flat, somewhat boring  shots every time.

If you're happy with the script and EH then simply add that line to each of your LAW armed dirka-dirkas and away you go.  (Oops - for RPG guys you'll have to make sure that the first line reds "RPG" rather than "LAW").

Happy Hunting !



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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #9 on: 19 Jun 2005, 00:34:21 »
Hi Roni,

You wouldn't be telepatic by any chance now would you?
That was exactly what I was looking for!
Easily customizable too so you can split up in Loons that
just fire for fx and some that actually need to hit someting
you intend them to hit.
Very impressive, a huge thanks!


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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #10 on: 19 Jun 2005, 02:33:29 »
Glad to be of service !



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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #11 on: 19 Jun 2005, 03:01:13 »
Oh and DBR_Onix, a big thanks as well,

for the moment Ive given up on making an addon out of this,
I dont think it's worth the time and effort since people
would react much better to a mission which handles
these kind of things via eventhandlers.

However, Im going to follow up on your advice, just for fun, to see
how it looks, who knows :)

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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #12 on: 19 Jun 2005, 10:55:22 »
Isn't there a possible problem here. I got that demo mission and - uh oh.

The law guys shot short. Everylaw law fell short of the BMPS, I moved them closer and they hit.

the AI arn't smart enough to adjust there firing trajectory for a hit on the tank.

Is it me or is this a problem that needs to be fixed?



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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #13 on: 19 Jun 2005, 11:31:54 »
Hi Supershooter,

Yes this was already adressed by Roni,
Just fiddle with the speedsetting a bit (variable _vZ = 10 default)
I find 5 to work best, cause it still gives some Arc-effect and
enables AI to hit at a reasonable distance (75-100 mtrs)
(Imo anything more is actually less realistic considering LAW's and RPG's)
A setting of 0 removes the arc and makes the rocket fly level.

Ofcourse if you want them to be superkillers like
all BIS-rocket loons, then don't use this script at all or
simply extract the graphics-code and exit the slowmo and arc-part.
But this wasn't the intention so...
« Last Edit: 19 Jun 2005, 11:32:49 by Mox2002 »


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Re:BHD-movie like RPG's
« Reply #14 on: 19 Jun 2005, 21:16:15 »
Incorporating Roni's script into an addon would solve the AI-miss problem, as you could change the values in the config that change how high to fire/max range/min range of the RPG
Then add units with eventhandlers (Not sure how you'd get around if they die, and a player/other unit picks it up, though :()

I'll have a go with the mission tonight or tomorrow at somepoint though :)
Has anyone tried it online?
- Ben