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Author Topic: Question make from existing addon an new addon with new config.file?  (Read 918 times)

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Hi, All.
I have downloaded the new Liberation 1941-1945 Barbarossa Mod.
It is an great WWII addons mod. But it is full with scripts and more of these things.
Most of al some things are not working well in it.
And as you maybe no I'm a member of the Cti44-WWII mod.
( An game based on MFCTI with only WWII Addons.)
But now first the thing that don't work well in the Liberation Barbarossa Mod.

1.The Russian tanks are to strong with there shells an T-26 can destroy the most heafy tank on the german site.

2.The German tanks cant shoot straight at the enemy your shell will go right or left or drop down in to the ground on halfway down from the target.
( Even when you are close at the enemy.)

3. Do to some scripts this and more is not working well yet on this Liberation Barbarossa mod.

So I have some Questions.
I found the Addons folder in this mod and want to strip down all the extra things from the addons in it.
So that I have left, The single addon of an tank or vehicle or
some units or the weapons bit of it.
Then make an addon out of an Singel addon of the Liberation mod. With a new config.file for just one addon ( a tank or an vehicle, So that I no how it will be done and works)
Put this together again PBO it back, And tray it this single addon out in OFP with the new config.file.
So now I have a single addon from the Liberation mod. Let say a tank.

When I unPBO't  the  lib-pzIVg addon there is No Config.file in it. There is only PAA.file's and PAC.file's.

So now my question.
What do I have to do to make this an Singel addon that works in OFP without the
Liberation Barbarossa mod.

Or how can I greate from those addons an Singel working  addon  that works in OFP?

Please Help me out on it.
I need your help because I have never done this befor.
So if you can give me some extra info on howe to do this, I'm will be verry happy about it.
You can give also some extra info to it with where and howto's
I will please this at The Forum of Cti44-WWII.
And wil Build an Tutorial out of it. So that I never ask you again for it.
( Well sometime's maybe)

In Front VERRY much thank's for it.
And please do help me out with it.

Greeting's ed-Dutchie. And Hopefully till Hearing's

If this is all possible then we can use it in the Cti44-WWII mod.
And put some extra addons to it. Plus we can build better missions for it.
With weapons that are more accurate of the time.