Hi, Us too, Nik & khublai, have made an addon of some Wood walls and fortifications, and we need them tested
, what we have made is an addon basicallymeant for people who are making Civilwar/Napolionic ect style missions (note this addon dosnt need any others)
this pack includes:
One palisade wall
One palisade wall with walkway
One palisade wall with walkway & stairs
One palisade wall corner with walkway
One palisade wall with gate
One wood Tower
One small Wood Fort stye building.
(We are going to fix the issue with the gate
, and we are going to try to do over any textures that are stretched )
any other Ideas or Constructive Critisisms are welcomed, A.I. can move on te walls, they may have difficulty getting on though, so its probably best if they start a mission off on the wall, all units shoot at other units when they are on the walls too
!Gate Lod issues fixes