Not sure this method is what your after, but you can avoid loops using eventhandlers.
In this case I'm adding the para chute myself. But the trouble is, it looks like you have to use CamCreate rather than CreateVehicle for the chute, so I'm not sure how it will work in MP. But if your guy is jumping out of a plane, then it should not be a problem, aslong as you modify the scripts to use another GetOut event on the aircraft.
_Man=_This Select 0
_Pos=GetPos _Man
_Chute="ParachuteWest" CamCreate [_Pos Select 0,_Pos Select 1,100]
_Man AssignAsDriver _Chute
_Man MoveInDriver _Chute
@!(IsNull (Driver _Chute))
_Chute AddEventHandler ["GetOut",{_This Exec "GetOut.sqs"}]
_Driver=Driver (_This Select 2)
_Driver SwitchMove "Stand"
UnassignVehicle _Driver
As soon as he hits the ground he will use the Stand anim, you will probably have to add more code depending on what your anim is. As the guy still moves around because of the getout action, you might have to secure him in place with SetPos or something?